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词汇 报业
例句 The movie gives an accurate portrayal of the newspaper business.该影片对报业进行了准确的描绘。She's the golden girl of the newspaper business.她是报业的成功女性。Louis Berg is a multi-millionaire who made his money in the newspaper business.路易斯·伯格是靠报业赚钱的千万富翁。The new developments radically changed the economics of the newspaper industry.这些新发展从根本上改变了报业的经济状况。The elasticity of demand for a single newspaper is bound to be higher than the figure for newspapers as a whole.某一份报纸需求量的伸缩性肯定大于报业整体需求的伸缩性。Several local news programs reported the rumor, but the city newspaper took the high road and waited to see if anyone could confirm the story.当地几个电视新闻节目报道了这个谣传,但该市报业媒体体现出了应有的职业道德,静观是否有人能够确认这一报道。The Society of Newspaper Editors美国报业编辑协会Mr Mitchell paid tribute to the indispensable role of photographers in the newspaper business.米切尔先生称赞了摄影师在报业中至关重要的角色。




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