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词汇 cleanly
例句 The knife sliced cleanly through the flesh.那把刀干净利索地把肉切成片。Are cats cleanly animals?猫是爱干净的动物吗? Cattle should be killed cleanly and humanely.牛应该被干净利落地无痛屠宰。This fuel burns more cleanly than other fuels.这种燃料燃烧时比其他燃料更为环保。Cut the stem cleanly, just beneath a leaf joint.把茎切整齐点,正好切在叶根下。The game had been cleanly fought.比赛双方严守规则。The butcher's knife cut cleanly through the meat.屠夫的刀利落地把肉切开。The game had been cleanly fought.比赛进行得公平公正。The wounds may heal cleanly or they may ooze a clear liquid.这些伤口可能会利索地愈合,也可能会分泌出一种透明的液体。Manufacturers are working with new fuels to find one that burns more cleanly than petrol.制造商正在开发新型燃料,以便找到比汽油更清洁的能源。She's a strong player who hits the ball cleanly.她是个力量型的球手,击球干净利落。Cut them off cleanly through the stem just below the node.就从茎节下面,沿茎干把它们全砍掉。If the cake is too moist it will not cut cleanly.蛋糕太潮湿的话不容易切整齐。A sharp knife will cut through the skin of a tomato cleanly.快刀一下子就能切开西红柿。It was a cleanly house.那是一所清洁的房子。The good thing about it is that it burns cleanly.它的好处在于燃烧时不会带来污染。The election campaign was not conducted very cleanly.竞选活动搞得有点不清不白。The branch snapped cleanly in two.树枝啪的一下断成两截。I struck the ball cleanly and my shot was on target.我干净利落地击球,球命中目标。Cut horizontally and cleanly through the stem.沿水平方向平整地剪切茎干。




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