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词汇 失败
例句 She was extremely depressed after her marriage crumbled.婚姻失败后她沮丧至极。His honesty had been his downfall.他的诚实正直导致了他的失败He failed in his efforts to give up smoking.他戒烟失败了。In spite of setbacks and reversals, his business was at last making money.尽管有挫折和失败,他的生意最后还是赚钱了。Saturday's defeat has dashed their hopes of success in the FA Cup this year.星期六的失败使他们在今年足总杯上获胜的希望落空。He accepted his failure with great aplomb.他以沈著的态度接受自己的失败There is a small risk that his party might lose.有个小风险是他那一方可能会失败With one stunning performance, he has laid to rest the ghost of all his defeats last season.以其出色的表现,他终于走出了上赛季失败的阴影。He was accused of trying to evade responsibility for the failures of the past five years.他因试图逃避过去五年中失败的责任而受到指责。I broke my heart over his failure.我为他的失败感到伤心。Several fitful attempts at negotiation have failed.断断续续的几次谈判都以失败告终。His career flamed out after the failure of his last movie.最后一部影片失败后,他的事业骤然垮台。Facing total defeat in Vietnam, the French subsequently conceded full independence to Laos.法国人在越南面临彻底的失败后,接着又让老挝取得了完全的独立。All his recent movies have been real clinkers. 他近来的所有电影都很失败It was fated that they should fail.他们注定要失败The play was a complete disaster from beginning to end.这部戏自始至终都很失败Once defeated, he sank into apathy.一旦失败,他就变得心灰意冷。The subject of his failed marriage was quite painful to him.失败的婚姻对他来说是一个十分痛苦的话题。His failures disgusted him to the point that he stopped trying.一再失败使他兴味索然,竟至不再尝试了。The defeat had a terrible effect on the team's spirits.失败给全队士气带来很大影响。The fear of failure can be a powerful motivator.失败的担心能够成为一种强大的动力。Attempts to muzzle the country's media have failed.压制国内媒体的企图失败了。His failure to back up the computer files had disastrous consequences.他备份计算机文件失败,其后果十分严重。I'm not going to get into a lather over this defeat.我不会因为这次失败而不安。An attempt to rescue the American hostages ended in disaster.营救美国人质的尝试以失败告终。The treaty is doomed to failure/fail.那个条约注定会失败Even if she fails she's a real trier.即使失败,她也已经尽心尽力了。She made a play for the job, but she didn't get it.她为得到那份工作挖空了心思,可是失败了。Don't let one failure discourage you.不要因为一次失败就泄气。He's been dogged by failure for years; now he's working strenuously to pull out.几年来他迭遭失败;现在他正在努力苦干以求摆脱这种局面。Someone has to lose. No hard feelings, eh?总有人会失败的。别难过,好吗?The business failed because of inefficient management.企业因管理不善而告失败The president flew home today after another unsuccessful attempt to reach a peace agreement.在为达成和平协议的努力又一次失败后,总统今天乘飞机回国。It is the easy way out to blame others for our failure.把我们的失败归罪到别人头上倒是省事。Evidence indicates that the experiments failed.证据表明实验已经失败The workers held out for several months against the closure of the mine, but they were eventually defeated.工人们对关闭矿井的决定进行了数月之久的坚决斗争,但最后还是失败了。He is being hammered by his political opponents for his failure to cut taxes.他因减税失败遭到其政敌的猛烈抨击。These failures underscore the difficulty of what we're attempting to do.这些失败凸显了我们正在尝试做的事情有难度。Some discouragement is natural after a defeat.失败之后有些气馁是人之常情。After his marriage failed, he hit the bottle big time.他婚姻失败后便开始酗酒。




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