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词汇 折腾
例句 Acute dysentery wracked and sapped life from bodies already weakened by hunger.急性痢疾把本已饥羸的身体折腾得衰竭无力。He's getting too old to stand the racket.他年迈了,已经受不起折腾After much toing and froing, they finally reached a decision.几番折腾,他们终于作出了决定。The heavy wind tossed them about at sea for days.大风让他们在海上颠簸折腾了数日。He slept fitfully for a few hours.他时睡时醒,折腾了几个小时。Weddings are so much hassle that you need a good break afterwards.婚礼真是件折腾人的事,办完后得好好休息才行。It seems to me that he is being given an unnecessarily rough ride.在我看来他正遭无谓的折腾The boat baffled in the hurricane and finally sank.船在飓风中折腾,最后沉没了。I am too old to stand the racket.我太老了,经不起这种折腾了。Have you seen what Jake's done to his bedroom?你看到杰克把他的卧室折腾成什么样子了吗?His wife was nursing a sick baby. He said they were up and down the whole night.他的妻子在护理一个病孩。他说他们一会儿起来一会儿睡下,折腾了整整一夜。Babies can wear you out with their constant crying.婴儿不断啼哭,能把人折腾得筋疲力尽。She spent hours in front of the mirror, titivating herself.她在镜子前折腾了几个小时来打扮自己。Chagrin and annoyance tossed her to and fro.悔恨和烦恼不停地折腾着她。These hiking boots are tough enough to take any amount of punishment. 这些登山鞋都够结实,经得起万般折腾He banged about the house.他在屋内乒乒乓乓地折腾I wish he'd say yes or no – he's been pissing me around for weeks.我希望他能给个明确的答复 — 他折腾我好几个星期了。




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