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词汇 投票
例句 He was voted out by a large majority.他被大多数人投票赶下了台。When the matter was put to a vote, the staff voted overwhelmingly not to go on strike.这件事付诸投票的时候,绝大多数员工不赞成罢工。I urged the senator to vote his conscience , even if it was at odds with the party line.我敦促那位议员凭良心投票,即便与政党路线不一致。Be sure that you make the effort to vote this year.今年你一定要尽量去投票We took a quick vote to decide on a leader.我们进行了快速投票来决定谁是领头人。Opposition leaders had called for a boycott of the vote.反对党领袖们呼吁抵制投票There has been oscillation between optimism and pessimism among voters.投票的人一直在乐观与悲观之间反复。The Congress of People's Deputies in effect voted itself out of existence.人民代表大会的投票在事实上终结了自身的存在。There's been a motion to vote on the proposal. Do I hear a second?提议就这项建议进行投票。有人支持吗?People vote their pocketbooks. 人们根据切身经济利益来投票Some Democrats believed they lost the election because many poor women didn't turn out to vote.有些民主党人认为,因为许多穷苦女性没有出来投票,所以他们在选举中失利。There is little uniformity among the states in voting procedures. 各州的投票程序不同。Many people abstained from voting.许多人投票时弃权。Congress has a solemn obligation to vote on any commitment of US troops.国会有对美国军队的任何任务进行投票的神圣职责。The panel voted unanimously for its approval.委员会投票一致同意。Attempts to intimidate people into voting for the governing party did not work.胁迫人们为执政党投票的企图没有成功。The voters turned out their local representatives.投票选民把他们的当地代表给罢免了。 I probably would have voted that way anyway.无论如何我可能都会那样投票The winner was all smiles as he heard the results of the voting.获胜者听到投票的结果时喜形于色。The voters came out despite threatening skies.尽管天色阴沉,选民们还是出来投票To decline to vote is a cop-out.拒不投票就是逃避责任。Ministers resigned en masse to forestall MPs going ahead with the vote.部长们集体辞职以阻止下院议员们投票You may appoint a proxy to vote for you.你可以委托他人代你投票Our efforts will be repaid if even one person who has never voted before votes on election day.只要有一个从未投过票的人在选举日来投票,我们的努力也将是值得的。The vote was won only as the result of much arm-twisting by the government.投票获胜完全是靠政府的高压手段。They cast their votes freely and without coercion on election day.选举日那天他们自由地进行了投票,没有受到胁迫。There are no statistics on just how many people voted.没有统计数字表明具体有多少人参加了投票The voters get the chance to pass their verdict next May.明年五月选民有机会投票作出决定。They embarked on a campaign to get people to vote.他们展开一场动员人们投票的运动。Tomorrow's vote is unlikely to settle the question of who will replace their leader.明天的投票不太可能确定将由谁取代他们的领袖。I encourage everyone to do your duty tomorrow and continue to vote.我鼓励每个人明天都履行责任,继续投票The students voted to continue the sit-in.学生们投票决定继续静坐示威。Most of the nonvoters were poorly informed about candidates and issues.大多数投票弃权者对候选人和选情知之甚少。People waited in line to cast their votes.人们排队等候投票Under this rule, only full members of the club are entitled to vote.按照这一规定,只有俱乐部的正式成员才有权投票The voting is now more focused.现在投票更趋集中了。The voters trooped to the polls.选民成群结队前往投票Congress voted along party lines on the new education bill.国会各党派议员依各自党派主张对新教育议案进行了投票There were reports that some people had been prevented from voting in the election.有报道称有些人被阻止在选举中投票You'll soon be old enough to vote in elections.你很快就到可以投票的年龄了。




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