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词汇 against
例句 He is constantly on guard against any threat of humiliation.他时刻提防着任何有辱尊严之事。Investor sentiment was running against corporate America.投资者情绪目前不利于美国整体的发展。The employer sought an injunction against the walkout.雇主想搞到一份对付罢工的禁制令。She issued a stern warning against making changes too quickly.她提出严厉的警告,反对过快做出变动。The metal felt hot against my palms.我感觉掌心的金属很热。Never put anything down on paper which might be used in evidence against you at a later date.一定不要写下任何书面的东西,以免日后被用作对你不利的证据。Hill let loose a torrent of abuse against those who prosecuted his case.希尔对控告他的人破口大骂起来。Emily defended Jack against the criticism.埃米莉为杰克受到的批评进行辩解。Suspects were made to stand spread-eagled against walls until they were exhausted.犯罪嫌疑人被勒令张开四肢靠墙站着直到筋疲力尽。He spoke out against violations of the law by the police.他大胆地发言抨击警察当局破坏法律。They raced against time to get her to the hospital.他们争分夺秒地把她送去医院。The waves washed against the shore.海浪冲刷着海岸。He looked down at the floor, scuffing one shoe against the other.他低头看着地板,双脚相互蹭着走。Someone must have a grudge against him.肯定有人对他怀恨在心。Asbestos is often used as an insulation against heat and fire.石棉常被用作隔热防火的材料。She launched a vitriolic attack against us.她向我们发起了一场言辞恶意的攻击。Her actions offended against our sensibilities.她的所作所为让我们在情感上难以接受。The author defends herself against charges of racism by noting that blacks are only one of her targets.面对种族主义指控,作者替自己辩护说黑人只是她的抨击目标之一。We mustn't offend against their customs.我们不能违反他们的风俗。The opposition now seems too weak to stage any serious protests against the government.反对党现在似乎势力非常弱小,无法针对政府发起真正的抗议。The workers held out for several months against the closure of the mine, but they were eventually defeated.工人们对关闭矿井的决定进行了数月之久的坚决斗争,但最后还是失败了。The storm threw the boat against a reef.风暴使船撞上礁石。Right from the off , I knew she was against me.从一开始我就知道她反对我。If we truly believe in justice, then we have no choice but to vote against this bill.如果我们真的相信正义,那么我们就投票反对这个议案,除此之外别无选择。He claims he was racially discriminated against when he applied for the job.他声称申请这个职位时遭受了种族歧视。He set the cases against a wall and sat on them.他把箱子靠墙放好,然后坐在上面。Apart from vaccines, there is no known way to protect against meningitis.除了使用疫苗外,还未发现别的预防脑膜炎的方法。The court decided against the defendant. 法庭判决被告有罪。There is a law against panhandling in the subway.有一条禁止在地铁乞讨的法规。The meetings took place against a background of increasing tension.这些会议是在日趋紧张的局势下召开的。She slugged him and he fell against the bar.她猛地打了他一拳,他扑倒在柜台上。She set herself against the prevailing beliefs of the time.她反对当时的主流观点。Water slapped against the boat.水啪啪地拍打着船。The demonstration showed the depth of feeling against the war.示威游行显示了人们强烈的反战情绪。She is threatening to institute legal proceedings against the hospital.她威胁说要对该医院提起诉讼。The group opposes the mayor and is trying to find a candidate to run against her.这一集团反对那位女市长,并且正在努力寻求与之竞争的候选人。There are laws against underage sex and underage drinking.有禁止未成年性交和饮酒的法律规定。By wielding a knife in defence you run the risk of having it used against you.若是挥刀自卫,有可能会被夺去而反受其害。Baker argued against cutting the military budget.贝克尔据理反对削减军费预算。The waves swirled and eddied against the pier.海浪旋起,冲击码头形成旋涡。




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