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词汇 大使馆
例句 Tables were set out in the embassy's beautiful reception room.大使馆漂亮的宴会厅里已经摆好了餐桌。The authorities tightened security around the embassy.当局加强了大使馆周围的安全防卫措施。After a few weeks, our confidence that our embassy had heard of our plight gave way to hopelessness.几个星期以后,我们寄望大使馆已经获悉我们困境的信心破灭,变成了绝望。The United States has withdrawn the remaining staff from its embassy.美国已经撤回了大使馆的剩余人员。Mr Cohen was helicoptered in to an embassy under siege.科恩先生乘直升机进入被围困的大使馆The embassy will continue discussions with the Chinese government.大使馆将继续与中国政府进行商讨。The Public Affairs Section (PAS) of the Embassy works in coordination with Peruvian institutions to protect and promote Peru's cultural patrimony.大使馆公共事务部与一些秘鲁的机构协同保护和推广秘鲁的文化遗产。The embassy has ordered the evacuation of all non-essential personnel.大使馆已经命令所有非必要人员撤离。They broke off diplomatic relations and closed the embassies in each other's country.两国中断外交关系,并关闭了在对方国家的大使馆The refugees thronged into the Embassy.难民们拥进了大使馆Ryle tried the Embassy, only to be told that Hugh was in a meeting.赖尔试着找了大使馆,却被告知休正在开会。The embassy says it has telexed their demands to the foreign ministry.大使馆表示已通过电传将他们的要求发送给外交部了。Since the attack, the embassy has been heavily guarded.袭击过后,大使馆被重兵保卫起来。Outside the embassy, students were handing out leaflets to everyone who walked past.大使馆外,学生们在向每个过路人派发传单。She was assigned to the embassy in India.她被派到驻印度大使馆工作。The refugees decided to storm the embassy.难民们决定冲进大使馆Light and water in embassy buildings were cut off.大使馆内的水电都被切断了。He is a junior secretary at the embassy.他是大使馆的初级助理。Soldiers have been called in to guard the embassy against further attacks.士兵们被派来守护大使馆,使其免遭再次攻击。He passed along everything he saw and heard to his contact at the Soviet embassy.他把自己看到和听到的一切都报告给苏联大使馆的接头人。Foreign embassies or consulates in the United States can provide up-to-date information on their countries.在美国的外国大使馆或领事馆可以提供关于他们自己国家的最新信息。The police formed a phalanx to protect the embassy.警察排成密集队形以保护大使馆For any details concerning a particular country you should check with the embassy.若想了解有关某个国家的详细情况,应该向大使馆查询。She is now attached to the American Embassy in Beijing.她现在被派到美国驻北京大使馆工作。A senior embassy official is coordinating efforts to free the captives.大使馆的一位高级官员正在协调各方为释放俘虏所作的努力。If your passport has been stolen, report the theft to your nearest embassy immediately.如果护照被窃,就马上到最近的大使馆报失。He had succeeded in turning a minor official in the embassy.他成功策反了大使馆的一名低级别官员。Two embassy employees had been quietly recalled because of spying allegations.大使馆的两名雇员由于面临间谍指控已被悄悄召回。The Embassy made him surrender his passport.大使馆让他交出了护照。Police fired on them as they fled into the embassy compound.他们逃向大使馆院内时,警察向他们开枪了。The embassy will be downgraded to a trade office.大使馆将被降格为商务处。An angry crowd stormed the embassy.愤怒的人群突然袭击大使馆The Embassy refused to renew their temporary travel documents.大使馆不同意延长他们临时旅行证件的有效期。We have done our best to secure the embassy against terrorist attacks.我们已尽全力保卫大使馆免受恐怖袭击。A band of human rights activists stormed the embassy and took several people hostage.一帮人权活动分子冲进大使馆,将数人扣为人质。The country was so poorly off it had to close many of its embassies abroad.这个国家很穷,不得不关闭许多驻外大使馆He could not leave the country unless the Embassy stood surety for him.没有大使馆的担保,他就不能离开这个国家。Rebel soldiers overran the embassy last night.昨晚叛乱士兵占领了大使馆You have to get your visa countersigned by someone at the embassy.你的签证必须由大使馆的人副署。Crowds of people forged through the streets towards the embassy.人群坚定地穿过街道走向大使馆




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