例句 |
Her father made his money speculating on the New York Stock Exchange.她爸爸在纽约证券交易所做投机买卖赚了钱。Terry speculated heavily in mining shares and lost a lot of money.特里在矿业股票上做大笔投机买卖,输掉了许多钱。The manager was only a front for Johnny's speculations.这个经理只是约翰尼搞投机买卖的掩护人。He has sunk the greater part of his property in speculation.他在投机买卖中亏损了大部分财产。He lost everything in foolish land speculation.他在愚蠢的土地投机买卖中失去了一切。His speculations in unsound stocks made him bankrupt.他在不可靠的股票上做投机买卖弄得自己破了产。His speculations in stocks led to his suicide.他在股票上做投机买卖致使他自杀。 |