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词汇 受惊
例句 The decision turned the startled author into a media event.那个决定把受惊的作家变成了新闻焦点人物。The frightened horses snorted and ran.受惊的马呼哧呼哧喷着气奔跑。A loud clap of thunder made the herd stampede.一声响雷使牛群受惊狂奔起来。They got a terrible shaking in the car crash.在那次撞车事故中他们受惊不小。The horse took fright and ran away with the carriage.受惊了,拖着马车狂跑。The baby startles at every sudden sound.这婴儿每听到突然的声音都要受惊The frightened deer didn't move.受惊的鹿一动也不动。 After the attack, stunned villagers wandered the streets.袭击过后,受惊的村民们在街头徘徊。She fled as if she were a startled nymph.她像一个受惊的仙女逃走了。Pallor suggested a marked reduction in the flow of blood in shock.脸色灰白表明受惊时,血液流动明显减少。The frightened man fluttered his hands.受惊的人吓得双手直打颤。A wild animal may bite if it is frightened.野生动物受惊时会咬人。The birds scattered at the sound of the gun.枪声一响鸟群受惊飞散。Hens and ducks squawk when frightened.鸡鸭在受惊时会咯咯呱呱大叫。He stood there, his arms extended towards the horrified villagers.他站在那里,向受惊的村民伸出手来。The cattle stampeded.牛群受惊狂奔。The horse shied when the gun went off.枪响时,马受惊跑开了。A frightened hedgehog contracts its body into a ball.刺猬在受惊时缩作一团。The child was more frightened than hurt.这孩子的伤倒不算什么,只是受惊不小。 The scared child hunched in a corner.受惊的孩子在角落里缩成一团。The collision shook up both drivers.撞车使双方司机都受惊不小。The frightened puppy took refuge under the bed.受惊的小狗躲到床底下去了。She raised her hands in mock horror when she saw my new haircut.她一看见我新做的发型就扬起双手,装出一副受惊的样子。Mrs Kerr was too upset to take part in a reconstruction of her ordeal.克尔夫人受惊过度,不堪再参与自己所受折磨的场景重现。The teacher kept shooting questions at the frightened girls until they confessed everything.老师对这些受惊的女孩提出一连串的质问,直到她们承认了一切。The frightened mare lashed up her heels.受惊的母马猛踢后蹄。He tried to calm the frightened children.他试图让受惊的孩子们平静下来。Occasionally, terrified faces peer out from behind a curtain.受惊的面孔偶尔会从帘子后面向外窥视。I approached very slowly, but the hawk took fright and flew away.我慢慢地接近,但鹰还是受惊飞走了。Startled, the crow flew off.那只乌鸦受惊飞走了。The gunshot stampeded the cattle.枪声使牛群受惊狂奔。Are you all right? You look a little shaken.你还好吧?你好像有点儿受惊He huddled in the corner like a terrified child.他像个受惊过度的小孩一样蜷缩在角落里。She slowly took one footstep toward the frightened animal.她朝着那只受惊的动物慢慢地挪近了一步。Countryside robbers are learning the ways of the wild west by stampeding cattle to distract farmers before raiding their homes.乡间强盗正在学习早期西部人的做法,先让牛群受惊四处乱窜以转移农民的注意力,然后再洗劫他们的房屋。The panic-stricken horses crashed through the door of the burning barn.受惊的马匹从着火的马棚里破门而出。There's a lot of traffic on the road - I'm sure my horse is going to shy.路上交通很拥挤——我敢肯定我的马会受惊The frightened child clung to her mother.受惊的小孩紧紧抱住她的母亲。The jockey was shaken up when he was thrown twice from his horse yesterday.昨天赛马骑师两次从马背上被摔下来,受惊了。Were you scared? Fat chance.你当时受惊了吗?才不呢。




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