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词汇 claws
例句 We heard the scratch of a cat's claws against a tree.我们听见猫爪子抓树的嚓嚓声。They've only been dating for a few months and already she's got her claws into him! 才约会了几个月,她就已经把他掌控在了手心里。The cat dug her claws into my hand.猫用爪子碰我的手。The cat immediately retracted its claws.猫立刻缩回了它的爪子。I was engaged in the delicate task of clipping the dog's claws.我那时做的是修剪狗爪这种精细的工作。Its claws lacerated his thighs.它的爪子抓破了他的大腿。That company was able to cut the claws of its opponents by reducing the prices of its products.那家公司能依靠降低其产品价格来削弱竞争对手。The cat retracted its claws.猫把爪子缩了回去。The editor got his claws into the opposition in a vicious editorial.那位编辑在一篇社论中恶意攻击了反对派。The lion growled and showed its claws.狮子咆哮起来,露出了爪子。He was totally in his boss' claws.他完全被他上司所控制。The fierce cat uses its claws to disembowel its prey.恶猫用爪子取出猎物的内脏。The cat tried to cling to the edge by its claws.猫试图用爪子抓住边缘。The cat sank its claws into my leg.猫爪子抓进了我的腿。The fingers were gnarled, lumpy, with long, curving nails suggestive of animal claws.手指粗糙,关节突出,指甲又长又弯,让人想起动物的爪子。If she gets her claws into that young man, she'll ruin his political career.要是她对那年轻人死缠不放,会毁掉他的政治前途。The cat raked its claws along/down the post.那只猫用爪子抓着柱子爬过去/下来。The eagle was carrying a mouse in its sharp claws.那只鹰当时正用利爪抓着一只老鼠飞行。There came a frantic scrabble of claws against the door.突然传来爪子疯狂抓门的声音。Keep your fingers away from the crab's claws when you pick it up.抓螃蟹时,别用手指触碰它的钳子。Wait till the papers get their claws into him.等到报纸来骂他吧。The cat's claws stuck out and scratched my arm.猫露出爪子,抓我的手臂。The cat dug his claws into my leg.猫的爪子抠进了我的腿。A cat can retract its claws.猫能够把爪子缩进去。The cat sank its claws into my arm.那只猫的爪子刺进了我的胳膊。She should take her claws out of Tom and let him get on with his life.她不该再死死地缠着汤姆,应该让他继续自己的生活。That cat is always sharpening its claws on the chairs.那只猫老是在椅子上磨爪子。The cat tore at my pants with its claws.那只猫用爪子撕破了我的裤子。The aardvark uses its powerful claws to dig for food.食蚁兽用它那强有力的爪子挖食。The owl is a predatory bird that kills its prey with its claws.猫头鹰是一种捕食性鸟类,它用爪子杀死猎物。The emotional stress of those years still claws at her.那些年的精神压力仍旧折磨着她。The sea otter can retract the claws on its front feet.海獭能缩回前脚上的爪子。That writer got his claws into the opposition in a vicious article.那位作家在一篇文章中恶意攻击了反对派。The leopard's claws slashed through soft flesh.豹的爪子切入柔软的肉里。The cat uses its claws to protect itself against enemies.那只猫用爪子保护自己,抵御敌人。The cat held a bird in its claws.猫爪子下按着一只鸟。It dug its claws in my arm.它的爪子戳进了我的手臂。Their long claws allow them to fasten onto the rocks and hold firm.它们可以凭借长长的爪子牢牢抓住岩石。The cat claws at the door when she wants to go outside.那只猫想出去时,就用爪子挠门。The owl swooped down and picked up the mouse in its claws.猫头鹰猛扑下去用爪子抓起了老鼠。




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