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He was hit by a car that was being driven by joyriders.他被驾驶偷来的汽车兜风的人撞倒了。He drove around town, showing off his new car.他在镇上四处兜风,炫耀他的新车。It was a very pleasant run to the coast.开车到海滨兜风非常惬意。Some teenager went joyriding in my car.不知哪个少年开着我的车兜风去了。He took her for a wild ride on the back of his motorcycle.他骑摩托车带着她疯狂兜风。He spent the evening tooling around town in his new car.他晚上开着新车在城里兜风。Try to relax and enjoy the ride.尽量放松点,享受这兜风的乐趣吧。The advert was pulled because it encouraged kids to go joyriding.这则广告被撤掉了,因为它鼓励小孩去偷车开快车兜风。On Saturday mornings we like to go for a drive out in the countryside.周六早上,我们喜欢开车去乡间兜风。We went for a drive to enjoy the scenery.我们驱车兜风欣赏风景。We went for a ride in the country.我们去了乡下兜风。Alex and Lisa used to drive around town in a battered old Fiat Uno.亚历克斯和莉萨过去常开一辆破旧的菲亚特乌诺牌汽车在镇上兜风。We spanked along in his new car.我们坐在他的新车里兜风。I took him for a drive into the countryside.我开车带他去乡下兜风。They cruised up and down the coast road.他们在滨海道路上开着汽车来回兜风。They tooled about the countryside in a small automobile.他们乘坐一辆小汽车在乡间兜风。I like going on the back of Pedro's motorbike, though it can get a bit hairy.我喜欢坐在佩德罗的摩托车后座上兜风,虽然有时有些惊险。Joyriders are becoming a serious problem in the inner cities.偷车乱兜风的人成了旧城区内一个很严重的问题。 |