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词汇 找到工作
例句 It's not always easy to find a job after you've done time.出狱后要找到工作可不容易。Be prepared for lots of rejections before you get a job.找到工作前要做好多次碰壁的准备。I signed off when I got a job.找到工作后签字放弃了失业救济。The programme is designed to enable young people to find work.该计划的目的是让年轻人找到工作If you are persevering, I am convinced you will find a job.如果你能坚持不懈,我坚信你一定能找到工作My money was beginning to give out and there were no jobs to be found.我的钱快用光了,可是还没有找到工作Finding a job should have been an occasion for rejoicing.找到工作本该值得高兴。He got his job through favouritism, not through ability.他是由于受到偏爱而不是由于自己的能力找到工作的。Several organizations run schemes to help women find work after their children have started school.几个组织开展计划帮助那些孩子已经上学的妇女找到工作She counted herself lucky to get a job in one of Edinburgh's department stores.能在爱丁堡一家百货公司找到工作,她觉得自己很幸运。Members of the Communist Party were blacklisted and had great difficulty finding work.共产党员被列入了黑名单,要找到工作非常困难。These men should be assisted to find work.应该帮助这些人找到工作Illiteracy threatens Britain's industrial performance. But, quite apart from that, the individual who can't read or write is unlikely to get a job.文盲的存在影响着英国的产业效益。但是,除此以外,更重要的是那些不具备读写能力的人也不太可能找到工作He and his friend Boris were unsuccessful in getting a job.他和他朋友鲍里斯都没有找到工作She was unable to find work.她没能找到工作Keep trying and you'll find a job eventually.不断努力,你最终会找到工作的。At least they have a real chance to find work.至少他们的确有找到工作的机会。Among young people the overwhelming preoccupation is to find a job.在年轻人中,压倒一切的问题是找到工作We're glad that he's got a job.我们为他找到工作而高兴。My hope of getting some employment was extinct.我要找到工作的希望落空了。Even if you complete your training, you aren't guaranteed a job.即使你完成了培训,也未必就能找到工作You can't get a job here without plenty of grease.要想在这儿找到工作得有很多门路。In those days you could get a job easily.在那个年代人们可以轻松地找到工作You'll have to be quick off the mark if you want to find a job around here.如果你想在这儿找到工作,就得动作快。The Army has set up mechanisms to help jobless ex-soldiers get work.军队建立了机制,以帮助无工作的退伍军人找到工作Until recently I had no idea where I would end up finding a job.直到最近,我才终于知道自己会在哪儿找到工作The economic crisis makes jobs almost impossible to find and even able pupils feel hopeless about job prospects.经济危机使得找到工作几乎成为不可能,就连能力出众的学生都对工作前景不抱希望。A degree does not automatically guarantee you a job.获得学位并不一定能保证你能找到工作Your employment prospects would be much better if you finished your degree.如果你取得学位,找到工作的可能性就会更大。The possession of a degree does not guarantee you a job.有学位不一定就能找到工作Don't be so apathetic - how are you going to get a job if you don't even start looking?别那么吊儿郎当的,不开始找怎么能找到工作When she left school, it was quite a while before she found a job.她离开学校后过了相当长的一段时间才找到工作We are job-hungry in Scotland and we need this money.我们渴望在苏格兰找到工作,我们需要这笔钱。She counted herself lucky to get a job in the department store.能在一家百货公司找到工作,她觉得自己已经很幸运了。He thinks we'd have a better chance of finding work if we moved house, but I don't agree.他认为如果我们搬家的话就更有可能找到工作,但我不同意这种看法。You can't be too choosy if you want a job right away.如果想马上找到工作,你就不能太挑剔。I guarantee you'll have a job in jig time.我保证你马上就能找到工作Will local folks get employment in the new business?当地人会在这个新企业中找到工作吗?He has interviewed with many companies, but he still hasn't found a job.他参加了很多家公司的面试,但仍然没有找到工作The government has dreamed up some cockeyed scheme for getting unemployed youngsters back into work.政府凭空想出某个荒谬的计划,想通过它让失业青年重新找到工作




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