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词汇 希望有
例句 Time hangs heavy at the moment. I wish I had more to do.此刻时间真是难以打发。我真希望有更多的事做。Employees said they would prefer more flexible working hours.员工们说他们希望有更灵活的工作时间。After last year's long and bitter strike, few people want more industrial action.经历了去年那场漫长而艰苦的罢工之后,没什么人再希望有罢工行动了。The UK wants an international agreement to harmonize practices throughout the EU.英国希望有个国际协定来协调整个欧盟内各国的做法。He hopes, someday, to have his own business.希望有一天能够拥有自己的公司。If David wants someone to go with him, why doesn't he ask Jacky? I'm sure she'd enjoy it.如果戴维希望有个人陪他去,他为什么不找杰姬呢?我肯定她会乐意的。One day she hopes to move to the South Coast.希望有一天能搬到南部海滨去。We want the maximum number of people to attend to help us cover our costs.我们希望有尽量多的人参加,以帮我们平衡支出。She hoped that one day she would return to her place of birth.希望有一天能回到自己的出生地。She hopes to publish her novel someday.希望有一天能出版自己的小说。He looked round desperately for someone to help him.他绝望地四处张望,希望有人来帮他。Corbin hasn't won an Emmy for his acting, but he'd like to win an Emmy someday.科宾并没有因为他的表演获得过艾美奖,但他希望有一天能获得。Town officials are hoping that some civic-minded person will volunteer to organize the parade.镇上的官员希望有关心公益的人自告奋勇来组织这次游行。Jack lingered for a while in the hall, hoping to get the chance to talk with her.杰克在大厅里逗留了一会,希望有机会同她交谈。We want to be reasonably sure that everything's safe.我们希望有一定的把握,确保一切都很稳妥。She was hoping that something might save her from having to make a decision.希望有什么能使自己不必作决定。He hoped to get more face time with the president.希望有更多时间与董事长面谈。He wanted time to pursue his many and varied musical interests.希望有时间从事自己丰富多彩的音乐爱好。A man likes to have some time to himself.本人希望有一些属于自己的时间。I wish there were some way I could help lift this weight from his shoulders.我真希望有办法能帮他减轻负担。He applied for a number of jobs and is hoping that one of them will pan out. 他申请了几份工作,希望有一份能成功。Most people want insurance policies that are adaptable to changing circumstances.大部分人希望有能适应不断变化的情况的保险契约。He felt unequal to the job and wished there were someone he could go to for advice.他感觉难以胜任这项工作,希望有人能给点建议。She had put her son up for adoption.她已贴出儿子的照片,希望有人来领养。His father forlornly hoped someone might have seen them.他的父亲徒然地希望有人可能看见他们。He was addicted to poetry and hoped one day to be a poet himself.他醉心于诗歌,希望有一天自己成为一个诗人。We've put down on our staff development plan for this year that we would like some technology courses.我们已经在今年的员工发展计划中写到我们希望有一些技术培训课程。We held an open house last week in the hopes that someone would offer to buy our house.我们上周设了看房时间,希望有人能出价买我们的房子。We hope to someday own our own home.我们希望有一天拥有我们自己的家。Police say that the investigation is moving slowly, and they are hoping that more witnesses will come forward.警方称调查工作进展缓慢,他们希望有更多证人挺身而出。He thinks he's so smart! I wish someone would cut him down to size.他自认为聪明绝顶!真希望有人煞煞他的傲气。The car comes with most extras that you'd expect, like twin air-bags.希望有的大部分额外配件这辆车都有,如双保险气囊。He still hopes to return from exile one day.他仍希望有一天可以结束流亡回国。He hopes to be a big leaguer some day.希望有一天成为大联盟球队球员。I just wish someone would explain to me in plain English what is wrong with my computer.我就希望有人用简单的语言给我解释一下,我的电脑出什么毛病了。He's been writing away all morning and likes to have a long period free of other considerations.整个上午他一直在写作,并希望有一段较长的不必考虑其他事情的时间。I thought you might be glad of some company tonight.我想你今晚可能希望有人陪伴。Scientists hope to one day rid the world of this terrible disease.科学家希望有一天能使这种可怕的疾病从世界上消失。He wanted to be unconditionally loved.希望有人能无条件地爱他。A new direction was considered desirable for both parties.双方都希望有一个新方向。




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