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词汇 classmates
例句 She's hosting a get-together for her classmates.她正在主持同学聚会。His classmates remember him as the class clown. 他的同学都记得他是班上的活宝。Your classmates won't trust you if you're always telling tales, Alvin.阿尔文,如果你老是打小报告,你的同学会不信任你的。He amused himself by taking candid shots of his classmates.他乘同学不备拍下他们的照片自娱自乐。We know that certain of his classmates walk to school every day.我们知道他的一些同学每天步行上学。When I returned to school, my classmates looked at me with pity in their eyes.当我回到学校的时候,同学们都用同情的目光看着我。Being Black, he had to endure the taunts of his classmates.因为是黑人,他不得不忍受他同学的奚落。We graduate next month and most of my classmates are already making enquiries about jobs.我们下个月毕业,大多数同学都已经在打听工作的事了。The teacher wrote up the boy for throwing food at his classmates.老师向校方书面汇报了那个男孩朝同学扔食物的情况。She was tormented by her classmates.她被同班同学骚扰。He can't read as well as his classmates.他阅读能力不如其他同学。He exerts an extremely strong influence on his classmates.他对班里的同学有着极大的影响。Pupils should be given time to discuss the book with their classmates.应该给学生时间与同学讨论这本书。He lagged far behind his classmates because he had relaxed his efforts.他因为放松了努力,故远远落后于班里同学。She thinks her classmates are just a bunch of pseudo-intellectuals.她认为班里同学只是一帮徒有知识分子虚名的家伙。All of your classmates have begun their projects, and I suggest you do the same.你班上所有同学都已开始了他们的项目,我建议你也开始。What ever happened to my former classmates?我过去的同学们到底发生了什么事情呢?We were classmates in high school.我们是高中同学。The comment brought peals of laughter from her classmates.这番话博得她同学们的阵阵笑声。He's always showing off to his classmates.他老是在同学面前炫耀。He was mortified by comparisons between his classmates' good marks and his own.拿自己的成绩与同学们的优异成绩相比较他感到羞愧。She struggles to keep pace with her classmates.她努力跟上同学的步伐。Tom has always been popular among his classmates.汤姆在同学中一直很受欢迎。Skipping his last two years of high school, he leapfrogged his classmates and went to college.他跳过高中最后两年,比其他同学先一步上了大学。She has a warm spot in her heart for her old classmates.她从心底里喜欢她那些老同学。All of your classmates have begun their projects, and you should do likewise. 你的同学们都开始做项目了,你也应该开始了。His classmates lumbered him with an unfortunate nickname.他的同学们给他起了个倒霉的绰号。You should not sit quietly by while your classmates are all busy.你不该在同学们都忙着的当口不声不响地袖手旁观。 His classmates needled him about his new haircut.他的同学嘲弄他的新发型。He's a good artist, which puts him one up on most of his classmates.他是个好的艺术家,在艺术方面胜过大多数同学。She was cunning enough to beguile her classmates into doing the work for her.她很滑头,哄骗自己的同学替她干活。Her new classmates knew no Latin.她的新同学不会拉丁语。My classmates would ask me over, but I never felt I could reciprocate the invitation.我的同学会邀请我去,但我从未觉得我可以回请他们。She was an object of ridicule with her classmates.她曾是同学们的笑柄。After he got well Bob made a fierce effort to catch up with his classmates.鲍伯痊愈后拼命用功,以期赶上班里的同学。How are you getting along with your classmates?你和班上同学相处得如何? My daughter has several classmates whose first language is Bengali.我女儿有几个同学,他们的第一语言是孟加拉语。Her parents worried that her classmates were holding her back.她父母担心她的同学会影响她的学业。She stands alone among her classmates.她在班上同学中是出类拔萃的。She invited all of her classmates to her birthday party.她邀请了所有同学来参加她的生日聚会。




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