例句 |
We will not be even until you repay my visit.等你回访我以后,我们才算扯平。You bought the tickets, so if I pay for the taxi, we'll be straight.你买的票,因此如果我出打车的钱,我们就扯平了。That will even things up.那样就把事情扯平了。Just buy me a drink and we're even-steven.给我买一杯饮料,这样我们就扯平了。The price is less online than at the store, but once you add shipping costs, it's a wash. 网上的价格比店里的便宜,但是只要你一加邮费,基本就扯平了。If you buy the next round we'll be straight.下一轮要是你买单的话,咱俩就扯平了。You don't owe me. I don't owe you. We're even.你不欠我,我也不欠你,我们扯平了。Sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose. It all averages out in the end.你有时赢,有时输。最终会扯平。You did me a favor and I did you a favor, so let's call it even.你帮过我,我也帮过你,现在咱俩扯平了。 |