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词汇 wheeled
例句 I wheeled the scooter onto the grass.我将踏板摩托车推到了草地上。Doctors put her on a respirator and wheeled her downstairs to intensive care.医生们给她戴上呼吸器,把她推到了楼下的特别护理病房。Halfway through the talk someone wheeled in a trolley laden with drinks.会谈进行到一半时,有人推进来一辆装满饮料的手推车。She wheeled round to face him and saw him take out a gun.她快速转过身面对他,看到他掏出了手枪。She wheeled sharply and headed for the check-out counter.她突然转身朝收银台走去。He wheeled his bike through the narrow lane.他推著自行车穿过狭窄的巷子。She wheeled around and started yelling at us.她突然转身,冲着我们嚷嚷起来。He wheeled his bike into the road.他把自行车推到了路上。He wheeled round and went abruptly out of the room.他一转身突然走出房间。A trolley was wheeled past, followed by a phalanx of waiters carrying silver dishes.一辆小推车过去了,后面紧跟着一群端着银盘子的侍者。Management wheeled in the experts to study the matter further.管理层聘请了一批专家进一步研究此事。He loaded the boxes onto the truck and wheeled them into the building.他把这些盒子装在手推车上推进房子里。Doctors wheeled the patient into the operating room.医生把病人推进手术室。Above the casbah flocks of doves wheeled and swooped.一群群鸽子在要塞上空盘旋俯冲。He wheeled his bike into the alley at the side of the house.他把自行车推进了房子旁的小巷中。She wheeled around sharply and headed for the exit.她突然转身,然后朝出口走去。They wheeled her out on the stretcher.他们用担架床把她推了出去。The birds wheeled overhead and flew off.鸟在头顶上盘旋,然后飞走了。He wheeled around to face her.他突然转过身来面对她。I collected a trolley and wheeled it towards the frozen food section.我取了一辆手推车,把它推向冷冻食品区。A flock of crows wheeled overhead.一群乌鸦在头顶上盘旋。She quickly wheeled the baby across the street.她快速地推着车上的孩子横穿过了马路。Seagulls wheeled overhead.海鸥在头顶盘旋。She wheeled out the same old excuse for being late.她又拿出惯用的借口为迟到辩解。She wheeled around in her chair when I entered the room.我进入房间时,她坐在椅子上迅速转过身来。He wheeled about and faced his opponent squarely.他转过身来面对着他的对手。She hated being wheeled round in a wheelchair.她讨厌坐在轮椅里被人推来推去。The car wheeled along the highway.汽车沿着公路行驶。They wheeled him into the operating room.他们用手推车把他送进了手术室。A big six-wheeled truck lumbered past me.一辆六轮大卡车从我身旁隆隆驶过。She suddenly wheeled and looked directly at me.她突然转过来看着我。Pigeons wheeled over the eaves.鸽子在屋檐上方盘旋。The government wheeled out the same old arguments to support its election campaign.政府又搬出老一套论调来支持其选举活动。She wheeled around and glared at me.她快速转过身来,怒视着我。He wheeled his motorcycle into the garage.他把他的摩托车推进车库。He wheeled round and dashed for the door.他一转身便向门口冲去。Then the prosecution wheeled in a surprise witness.然后原告请出了一位意想不到的目击证人。Our waiter wheeled out a small dessert cart.我们的服务员推出一辆甜点小推车。He wheeled the trolley down the corridor and disappeared with it into the service lift.他推着小推车走过走廊,之后进了员工专用电梯不见了。It looks like a motorized version of a child's two-wheeled scooter.它看上去像一个装有发动机的儿童两轮滑板车。




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