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Some of the demonstrators scuffled with the police.示威者中有些人和警察扭打起来。He grabbed my microphone and we tussled over that.他抓住我的麦克风,我们为此扭打起来。The row led to them grappling on the floor.那次争吵使他们在地板上扭打起来。She wrestled with her attacker.她和袭击者扭打起来。Those two will scrap at the least provocation.这两个人一言不合就会扭打起来。The players were scuffling on the field during the football match.足球赛中球员们在场地上扭打起来。One man called the other an impostor and they set to.一个人骂另一人是骗子,于是两人就扭打起来。The boys started to tussle in the playground.男孩们开始在操场上扭打起来。 |