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词汇 fend
例句 In future he will have to fend for himself.从今以后他得自己谋生了。The police weren't interested in their problems, so they had to fend for themselves.警方对他们的问题不感兴趣,于是他们只好靠自己解决。She uses her secretary to fend off unwanted phone calls.她让秘书挡掉不想接的电话。He managed to fend off his attackers with a stick.他设法用一根棍子击退了攻击者。The company managed to fend off the hostile takeover bid.公司设法避开了恶意收购意图。He raised his arm up to fend branches from his eyes.他举起胳膊挡开树枝,使之不致触到眼睛。The children were left to fend for themselves.那些孩子当时须自立。They have had to fend off allegations of voter fraud.他们不得不反驳选举舞弊的中伤。When his father died, Tom had to fend for himself.汤姆在父亲死后只得自谋生计了。The woman and her young baby had been thrown out and left to fend for themselves.这个女人和她年幼的婴儿被赶了出来,无人照管。We may strive and fend, but it's little we can do.我们可以努力奋斗,可是不会有多大结果。Clara learned to fend for herself.克拉拉学会了自己照顾自己。Tabitha threw up an arm to fend her attacker off.塔比莎挥臂挡开行凶者。The police usually used razor wires to fend off the protesters.警察经常使用刺绳来阻挡抗议分子。The parents, when they separated, left their progeny to fend for themselves.父母离异分居,丢下子女自己照顾自己。Somehow she managed to fend off the awkward questions.不管怎么着,她还是设法避开了那些尴尬的问题。Now that the children are old enough to fend for themselves, we can go away on holiday by ourselves.既然孩子们已长大能照顾自己了,我们就可以单独出去度假了。We can let our guests fend for themselves.我们可以让客人自己照顾自己。He raised his hand to fend off the blow.他抬起手来抵挡那一拳。I was left to fend for myself.我无依无靠,自谋生路。He had struggled to pay off creditors but couldn't fend them off any longer.他曾想方设法还债主的钱,但却再也躲不过他们了。Everyone must fend for himself. 大家必须自我防卫。They had two children to fend for.他们要扶养两个孩子。Cast out by his family, he was forced to fend for himself.他被家里人赶了出来,不得不自谋生计。The mother died before the cubs were old enough to fend for themselves.这些幼兽还未长大到能够独立生活时母兽就死了。The seal pup must be taken back to the sea directly she was able to fend for herself.一旦那只小海豹能独立生活,就必须把它放回到海里去。You have to learn to fend for yourself.你得学会自我料理。Dad always wanted me to be able to fend for myself from a very early age.我幼年时起爸爸就一直要求我能够独立生活。The children were left to fend for themselves on the streets.这些儿童被遗弃在街上去独自谋生。They had to fend for themselves while their mother was away.妈妈不在时,他们只得自己照顾自己。




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