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词汇 fenced
例句 They fenced the land to preempt it against other claimants.他们把地围了起来,以获得排斥其他要求者的优先购买权。I feel fenced in by all the rules and regulations at work.我觉得工作上的条条框框束缚住了我的手脚。They fenced in the property. = They fenced the property in. 他们用栅栏把这块地产围了起来。The beach has been fenced off to keep people out.沙滩已经被拦起来不让人进入。He put his hand on the post behind her so that he had her fenced in and could look down on her.他把手放在她身后的柱子上,让她脱不了身,自己就可以低头看她了。I have a well fenced yard far away from roads.我有一个远离马路、四周有围栏的花园。They have fenced off the cliff top.他们把悬崖顶端围了起来。The farm is fenced round with elms.农场周围种着榆树。She was basically fenced in by what the military wanted to do.军旅事务使她基本上无法脱身。The area in the park where the kids play is fenced off for safety reasons.为安全起见,公园里用围栏把孩子们玩的场所隔开。They're looking for the stolen jewellery and other fenced items.他们正在寻找失窃的珠宝和其他被盗卖的赃物。The hill had been fenced off to prevent animals from grazing on it.已经用栅栏把那座山隔开了,防止动物吃那里的草。The King was fenced by a group of bodyguards.国王由一群卫兵簇拥著保卫起来。We fenced in the garden to keep the sheep out.我们把园地用篱笆围起以防羊进来。The money was ring-fenced for education programs.这笔资金专用于教育计划。Fuel tax will be ring-fenced for improving the public transport system.燃油税要专门用于改进公交系统。We fenced off the pool in case the children should fall in.我们在池边筑了栅栏以免孩子掉进水里。The front yard is fenced for privacy.房前的花园围上了围栏以获得私密性。Thomas was playing in a little fenced area full of sand.托马斯在一小块围起来的满是沙子的地上玩耍。The cattle are well fenced out.牛群被妥善地隔在栅栏之外。He stole watches and fenced them on the street.他偷了手表,然后在街上销赃。There should be ring-fenced funding for local crime prevention initiatives.应该有专项基金用于地方上的犯罪预防行动。A paw-paw tree, a bean plant, and a flowering gourd grew in our tiny fenced compound.我们的小篱笆院里有一棵番木瓜树、一株豆荚和一株开花的葫芦。He fenced with his new sword.他用新剑来击剑。The yard was fenced in to keep out wolves.院子用篱笆围起防止狼进来。Young mothers often feel fenced in at home.年轻的母亲们往往觉得自己被束缚在家里。




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