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词汇 classic
例句 This is a classic example of a badly designed building.这栋大楼是拙劣设计的典型例子。It wasn't a classic game, but it was pretty entertaining.这不是最好的比赛,但却相当引人入胜。The group's debut album was immediately acclaimed a hip-hop classic.这个乐队的首张专辑一经推出便被盛赞为嘻哈乐的经典之作。The books "Alice in Wonderland", "Peter Rabbit", and "Winnie-the-Pooh" are classic examples of anthropomorphism.像《爱丽斯漫游奇境记》、《兔子彼得》和《小熊维尼》这些书都是拟人创作手法的经典例子。The recipe is a new version of a classic dish.这个食谱是传统菜肴的创新版。The book fits the classic model of a postmodern narrative.该书属于后现代叙事的经典模型。The trial scene is a classic set piece.庭审这一幕是个经典片段。This book is a classic of the mystery genre.这本书是推理小说的经典之作。The classic album has been remastered, repackaged and rereleased.这张经典专辑经过重新灌制和包装后已经再次发行了。The early buzz suggests that the album could be a classic.早早就传出纷纷议论说明这张专辑有可能成就经典。The classic style is straightforward, unadorned, unemotional.典雅的风格就是直截了当、朴实无华而又冷静客观。His manual of botany has become a classic among scientists.他的植物学手册在科学家中间已成经典作品。His life has been the classic American success story, from rags to riches.他由贫穷到富有的一生,成了美国经典的成功例子。〔The painting features a human skull, the classic memento mori.油画中有一个人的头骨,这是经典的死亡象征。This is a classic example of the killjoy attitudes of officialdom.这是那种典型的令人不快的官僚主义态度。She wore a classic navy suit.她身着一套传统式样的海军服。He was suffering from all the classic withdrawal symptoms associated with giving up heroin.他表现出了戒除海洛因过程中的所有典型症状。Tiredness, loss of appetite, and sleeping problems are all classic symptoms of depression.乏力、没有食欲和失眠都是抑郁症的典型症状。The cut in benefits for the unemployed is a classic case of blaming the victim.削减失业救济金是将责任推给利益受损者的典型例子。That was classic! That van-driver signalled right, and then turned left.太可恶了!那个货车司机打右转的信号,可是却向左转弯了!The old gentleman had on a classic suit.那位老年绅士穿著一套古朴的传统服装。He delivered his speech in classic fashion.他用经典的方式发表了讲话。Poitier starred in the classic film 'In the Heat of the Night'.波伊提尔出演过经典影片《炎热的夜晚》。The band topped off the show with an extended version of their classic hit.乐队以一首加长版的经典作品结束演出。These are classic designs which will fit in well anywhere.这是些百搭的古雅图案。He had classic good looks.他仪表堂堂。It's a classic case of the bored-housewife syndrome - she has nothing to do all day except eat and go shopping.这是百无聊赖的家庭主妇的典型特征——她成天除了喝酒、购物,就没有什么事情可干了。The classic jigsaw puzzle never goes out of favour with kids.经典的拼图游戏小孩子永远玩不厌。She prefers classic furniture designs.她喜欢简朴典雅的家具设计。The comedy is a classic treatment of the battle of the sexes. 这部喜剧是描述男女之间权力争夺的经典之作。She has a taste for classic music.她喜欢古典音乐。His winning goal was classic.他制胜的一球堪称典范。The cathedral has classic proportions.大教堂的比例堪称经典。Too many job hunters make the classic mistake of thinking only about what's in it for them.不少求职者都会犯这种典型错误,即只关心自己能得到什么。The shirt/tie combo may seem a foolproof classic, but there are fashion faux pas you should be aware of.衬衫领带的组合看似是万无一失的经典搭配,但也需要注意避免着装失误。He fell into raptures over classic music.他对古典音乐喜爱若狂。The classic look never goes out of fashion.经典式样永远不会过时。The play is a bracing but utterly faithful interpretation of an American classic.这出戏令人耳目一新,但完全忠实地演绎了一部美国经典作品。It is not just/only/merely a novel; it is a literary classic.它不仅仅是一部小说,更是一部文学经典。I like the car's classic contours.我喜欢这辆车简洁典雅的外形。




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