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The lioness fought to protect her young.那头母狮奋力拼搏,保护幼狮。The team hung tough through the whole game, but lost in the end.球队整场比赛奋力拼搏,但最后还是输了。They made a strong bid for the championship.他们奋力拼搏,想赢得冠军。The team battled bravely to win their last game.这支队伍为赢得最后一场比赛奋力拼搏。The team fought hard and gave a good account of themselves.这支队伍奋力拼搏,表现出色。She lost despite a game effort.尽管奋力拼搏,她还是输了。He managed to sweat out a narrow victory in the semifinals.他奋力拼搏,最终在半决赛中险胜。 |