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词汇 扑通
例句 As she gazed at him, her heart went pit-a-pat.她望着他时,心扑通扑通地跳。The coins plopped into water.金币扑通一下掉进了水里。The boys plumped into the water.男孩们扑通扑通跳入水中。He plumped over head and ears into the water.扑通掉入水中淹没了。Her heart had begun to pound inside her chest like a captive animal.她心情紧张起来,一颗心在胸膛里扑通扑通跳个不停。The look in his eyes made my heart flutter.他的眼神让我心里扑通扑通直跳。We heard a splash from the pool.我们听到水塘里传来了扑通的落水声。I filled the glass with water and plopped a few ice cubes into it.我往杯子里倒水又扑通扑通地放了一些冰块。All out of breath, she plumped down on a chair.她上气不接下气,扑通倒在椅子上。




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