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词汇 手里
例句 He sat at his desk, not a hair out of place, and turning a pencil over in his hand.他坐在书桌旁,外表十分整洁,手里转弄着一支铅笔。What did you do with the gun you took from that little rat Turner?你是怎么处理从那个叫特纳的小叛徒手里得到的枪的?They gypped us out of hundreds of dollars.他们从我们手里骗走了数百美元。He had allowed the ball to slip from his grasp.他让球从手里滑了出去。The documents are now in the possession of The Guardian.那些文件目前在《卫报》手里In the last scene of the play, a ghostly female figure shimmers into the room, her arms laden with books.在戏的最后一场,一个女子的身影鬼一样地闪进房间,她的手里满满地捧着一摞书。There's nothing in my hands.手里什么也没有。She wrenched herself from his grasp.她从他手里挣脱开来。The magician produced bunches of flowers out of his gloved hands.魔术师从戴著手套的手里变出一束束鲜花。He argues that by letting children watch too much television, we are delivering them into the hands of advertisers.他认为,让孩子们看太多的电视就是在把他们往广告商的手里送。They decided to kill themselves rather than suffer a worse fate at the hands of their enemy.他们决定宁愿自杀也不愿落在敌人的手里,那样命运会更惨。He seized the book from her hand.他从她手里夺过了书。The baby, dressed in a flowery jumpsuit, waved her rattle.宝宝穿着有花卉图案的连身裤,手里摇着拨浪鼓。She came in excitedly, flourishing a letter with her exam results.她兴奋地走进来,手里挥舞着她的考试成绩通知书。He twisted out of their grasp.他从他们的手里挣脱出来。Don't buy a watch from those guys, they'll just rip you off.不要在那些家伙手里买手表,他们只会敲竹杠。Hello. What's that he's holding?嘿,他手里拿的是什么?The police asked the arrested man how the revolver had come into his possession.警方诘问被捕者那支左轮手枪是如何到他手里的。Mick jammed a copy of the report into my hand.米克把报告的一份副本塞到我手里He held a knife in his hand.手里握著一把刀。They are armed and ready to shoot if provoked.他们手里有枪,如果受到挑衅会随时开枪。During the meeting, she reached under the table and slipped a note into my hand.开会时,她在桌下把一张纸条塞到我的手里Susan managed to free her right hand from her attacker with a violent twisting movement.苏珊猛力一扭,使自己的右手从袭击者手里挣脱开来。She snatched the toy from his hands.她从他的手里抢走了玩具。He ripped the phone from her hand.他从她手里一把夺走电话。He crunched the sheet of paper in his hand.他把那张纸在手里揉成一团。She almost snatched the letter from my hand.她差点儿把信从我手里抢了过去。He discarded his club losers on the established spades in dummy.他利用明手已立的黑桃扔出手里的梅花废牌。Croatian army troops retreated from northern Bosnia and the area fell to the Serbs.克罗地亚军队从波斯尼亚北部撤军后,该地区落入塞尔维亚人手里Every day another batch of papers reaches the manager demanding his attention.每天都有一批新的文件交到经理手里,要他处理。Cassandra withdrew her hand from Roger's.卡桑德拉将手从罗杰手里抽了回来。She schemed to take control of the company from her brother.她密谋策划从她兄弟手里夺取公司的控制权。She grabs a stack of baby photos and thrusts them into my hands.她抓起一沓婴儿照片塞到我手里The older boys hovered furtively outside the school gates, clutching thinly rolled cigarettes.那几个年长一点的男孩鬼鬼祟祟地在校门外徘徊,手里夹着细细的香烟。He met his death at the hands of enemy soldiers.他死在敌军的手里He fell to the ground, and the gun tumbled out of his hand.他跌到地上,枪从手里摔了出去。He smacked the bowl of his pipe into his hand.他在手里磕了磕烟斗。The British media is in the hands of clubby men.英国媒体掌控在一群排外的人手里He tore the letter from my hand.他一把夺过我手里的信。He came in with four shopping bags and dumped them on the table.他进门后将手里提着的四个购物袋往桌上一扔。




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