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词汇 我觉得
例句 I find his attitude highly distasteful.我觉得他的态度很令人厌恶。I took a lot of convincing that parenthood was a good idea and I didn't think I'd be much use at it.很多人都劝我要个孩子好,但我觉得为人父母我真的不适合。It's been hard settling in, but I feel like I'm getting somewhere at last.适应的过程非常艰难,但我觉得最终还是有所进步。I felt like the supervisor was watching my every move.我觉得主管在监视我的一举一动。I think the sensible thing to do is call and ask for directions.我觉得明智之举是打个电话问好路。Brian's still dwelling too much on the past, in my opinion.我觉得布赖恩还在沉湎于过去的事。I felt that Sally had made a complete fool of me.我觉得萨莉完全欺骗了我。I felt that he was cold and antagonistic.我觉得他冷淡且有敌意。I think they should make the whole area a pedestrian precinct.我觉得他们应该把这里的整个地方变成一个步行区。I thought the service in the pizza place was very good.我觉得那个比萨饼店服务非常好。I thought I'd die laughing.我觉得我快要笑死了。I'm feeling hard done-by because I've been taking care of the kids all week and Steve's been out every night.整整一周我都在看孩子,而史蒂夫每晚都出去玩,我觉得不公平。It seemed to happen all of a sudden - I felt dizzy and I just collapsed.一切似乎都发生得很突然——我觉得头晕,然后就晕倒了。She's had a few financial problems, and I think things have just been getting on top of her.她在财务上些问题,我觉得她已经开始有点难以招架了。I think I'm probably ready to start writing up the first part of the study.我觉得应该可以开始整理第一部分的研究笔记了。I felt like I had been slapped in the face.我觉得像被人打了一耳光。I didn't think much of her latest book.我觉得她最新出版的书不怎么样。I wouldn't trust that new guy - I think he's a narc.我可不信任那个新来的家伙,我觉得他是个告密者。Well, I enjoyed that. How about you two?.嗯,我觉得那很棒。你们俩呢?The movie was good, but I thought it dragged at the end.那部电影不错,但我觉得结尾有些拖沓。I think I'll pass on going with you.我觉得我还是别跟你去了。I don't think you have any concept of the pain you have caused her.我觉得你对自己给她造成的痛苦根本就一无所知。I thought her outfit was ghastly.我觉得她的套装难看死了。I think you should turn the pancakes now.我觉得你现在应该把煎饼翻个面。I've been sorting out my study all day, but it's such a mess I don't feel I'm getting anywhere.我一整天都在整理书房,但是里面太乱了,我觉得忙来忙去还是没什么成效。I think she misunderstood you.我觉得她误会你了。I think the Conservatives will be hard put to gain support.我觉得保守党很难获得支持。He claimed he was playing badly because of an injury, but I think he was sandbagging.他说他打不好是因为受了伤,但我觉得他是在蒙人。It sounds a bit silly to me.这事我觉得有点欠考虑。I find it too distracting to work with the television on.我觉得开着电视工作太分散注意力了。I don't feel I'm being bold enough.我觉得自己胆子放得不够大。I felt a right Charlie!我觉得自己是个大笨蛋。I think he's gone a little crackers.我觉得他精神有点不正常。I felt rather at a loose end at the end of the term so I decided to take a trip to London.学期结束后,我觉得有点无聊,就决定去伦敦一游。I think some people have an image of folk music that is quite outdated.我觉得有些人认为民间音乐完全过时了。No, I don't think I'll be coming out tonight. I'm not feeling too good.不了,我想今晚我来不了,我觉得不太舒服。I don't think there's anything wrong with using shock tactics to discourage people from driving while drunk.我觉得用震慑措施劝阻人们酒后驾车没什么不对。I felt I'd made an incredible discovery.我觉得我有一个天大的发现。Last week I felt sure I was doing the right thing but I've started to feel a bit wobbly about it.上周我很肯定自己做对了,可是现在我觉得有点拿不准了。Despite the film's merits, I felt it was too pat.尽管这部电影也有优点,但是我觉得它太讨巧。




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