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词汇 smoke
例句 The dragon disappeared in a puff of smoke.龙消失在一阵烟雾中。One engine of the plane caught fire and spewed black smoke.飞机的一台引擎着了火,冒出黑烟。We smoke our hams over hickory.我们用山胡桃木熏制火腿。The smokestacks poured out thick clouds of black smoke.大烟囱里冒出滚滚黑烟。Your breath reeks of stale cigar smoke.你满嘴都是难闻的雪茄味。How many do you smoke a day?你一天抽多少根烟?I don't smoke ordinarily, but it's a necessary evil when I'm in a bad mood.我一般不吸烟,但心境不好的时候知道有害也免不了要吸。My eyes smarted from the smoke.我的眼睛被烟熏得刺痛。The committee have tried dozens of different ways to smoke him out.为了揭发他,委员会尝试过几十种不同的方法。We'll have your yard cleaned in a jiffy, and watch our smoke!我们不消一会儿工夫就会把你的院子打扫干净,瞧瞧我们干得有多快吧!A joss stick spiralled smoke.一柱线香青烟袅袅。Most people who smoke began smoking in their teens.多数烟民从十几岁时就开始抽烟了。The chimneys were throwing out huge plumes of black smoke.烟囱在喷吐大股大股的黑烟。We sat drinking in a haze of cigarette smoke.我们坐在一片香烟烟雾中喝着酒。Great clouds of black smoke were rising for several hundred feet or so.大片的黑色烟云升至大约几百英尺的空中。I only smoke every now and then, at a party or when we go out to eat.我只是有时候吸吸烟,在聚会上或出去吃饭时才吸。The heavy smoke stifled the firemen.浓烟使消防队员窒息。Forest fires sent up smoke for miles around.森林大火喷出方圆几英里的烟。Some smoke and some don't.有些人吸烟,有些人不吸。Billows of smoke rose from the burning building.那幢着火的大楼腾起滚滚浓烟。She fanned away the smoke.她用扇子把烟驱散。Clouds of smoke rose up into the air.团团烟雾升到了空中。Riot police hurled tear gas canisters and smoke bombs into the crowd.防暴警察向人群中投掷了催泪瓦斯罐和烟幕弹。Steam locomotives pumped out clouds of white smoke.蒸汽机车喷出一团团白烟。The smoke of a cigarette wisped from his nose and mouth.卷烟的烟雾从他的嘴和鼻子一缕缕喷出。I've had enough of them stinking the place out with their cigarette smoke.他们抽烟弄得满屋都是烟味,我真是受够了。Everyone has the right to smoke if they wish, but not the right to ruin the health of those around them.每个人只要自己愿意都有抽烟的权利,但是无权损害周围的人的身体健康。It's bad policy to smoke too much; it may harm your health.吸烟过多不是好事,会损害你的健康。For your own safety, please do not smoke until you are outside the plane.为了您自身的安全,飞机内请不要吸烟。The doctor told him not to smoke, but he did exactly the opposite.医生叫他不要抽烟,他却偏偏背道而驰。The room filled with smoke, and it was becoming difficult to breathe.房间里全是烟,呼吸越来越困难。The car left a trail of smoke as it sped off.汽车飞快驶过,留下一股烟尘。We saw smoke curling from the cottage chimney.我们看到烟从小屋的烟囱袅袅升起。She allowed us to smoke.她允许我们抽烟。The house was ablaze, and the flames and smoke could be seen for miles around.房子燃起了熊熊大火,方圆几英里都能看到烈焰和浓烟。There was no wind. The smoke rose straight upward.没有风。烟笔直向上升去。They used scare tactics to teach their children not to smoke cigarettes.他们用吓唬的方式告诫孩子不要吸烟。We were surprised by the appearance of smoke in the distance.远处冒出的烟雾使我们感到惊讶。Please don't smoke in my presence. 请不要在我周围吸烟。The smoke contains a cocktail of toxic chemicals.烟雾中包含有毒化学混合物。




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