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词汇 我自己
例句 The contract requires me to arrange my own insurance.合同要求我自己办理保险事宜。Thanks, but I think I can handle it.谢谢,不过我想我自己能处理。I can manage perfectly well on my own, thank you.我自己完全能应付,谢谢。I happen to prefer action movies myself.我自己碰巧喜欢动作片。I don't want charity. I can manage.我不想被人救济,我自己能应付。As an only child myself, I had a fellow feeling for Laura.我自己也是个独生子,因此和劳拉有同感。It was wonderful to have a place of my own. I couldn't have asked for anything better.我自己的地方太棒了。我没有更大的奢望。My argument was grounded on my own experience.我的论点有我自己的经验作为根据。The bathroom is entirely my own creation.这个浴室完全是我自己设计创作的。I'm something of a traditionalist myself, I'd much rather use pen and paper than a word-processor.我自己是那种传统的人,我宁愿用钢笔和纸,也不用文字处理器。She wouldn't let me pay for my ticket.她不肯让我自己付钱买票。My own eyes had felt heavy-lidded, but now I was wide awake.我自己刚才也觉得眼睛都快睁不开了,不过现在我清醒得很。I do the cleaning myself.我自己动手打扫卫生。I find snooker riveting though I don't play myself.虽然我自己不打斯诺克,但是我觉得它挺令人着迷。Just for once, let me make my own decision.就这一次让我自己作决定吧。When the shirts were clean, I ironed them myself, aired them and placed them in drawers in his room.衬衫洗干净之后,我自己将它们熨好、烘干并放在他房间的抽屉里。I earn just enough to keep myself.我挣的钱刚刚够养活我自己I do my own cooking and food shopping.我自己做饭,自己采购食品。With a little help, I think I could fix the computer myself.我想如果有人稍微帮我一把,我自己能把电脑修好。He had the nerve to ask me to prove who I was.他竟敢要求我证明我自己的身份。You must be feeling awful. I went through something similar myself last year, so I can relate.你一定很难受吧。去年我自己经历了类似的事,所以我能够理解。Did it ever occur to you that I might like more myself?你可曾想过我可能更爱我自己I had screwed the shelf on the wall myself.我自己用螺钉把架子固定在墙上。I can never ever forgive myself.我永远无法原谅我自己Never mind, I'll do it myself.没关系,我自己来做。Her objections only strengthened my resolve to open my own business.她的反对只是增强了我自己开公司的决心。I myself have experienced the same thing.我自己也经历过同样的事情。They asked me a few questions about myself.他们问我一些关于我自己的问题。I'm very much my own boss and no one interferes with what I do.我自己很有主见,没有人干预我做的事。I did my buttons up all on my own, Dad .爸爸,我的纽扣全是我自己扣上的。I boarded with the Jansens until I found a place of my own.我自己找到地方住之前借住在詹森家里。I originally went out to the Far East with the aim of setting up my own import-export business.最初我去远东的目的是成立我自己的进出口公司。You needn't come with me - I can find my own way to the station.你不必和我一起走,我自己能找到去火车站的路。I'm doing it on my own account, not for anyone else.我做这件事是为了我自己,不是为别人。I run the farm on my own but a local boy helps me out when the going gets tough.我自己一个人经营农场,但出现困难的时候,当地的一个小伙子会帮我解决。If I choose to work on other projects in my own time, then I say that is my business.如果我选择在业余时间做其他项目,我认为那是我自己的事情。I get quite a lot of exercise myself by walking the dog.遛狗的同时,我自己也得到不少锻炼。I did a fine job painting the room, if I say so myself.如果要我自己说的话,那个房间我粉刷得很不错。I'm not going to believe it myself, never mind convince anyone else.我自己都不会相信,更别提说服别人了。If I try to unpick my own motivation, I think mostly I was jealous.如果要我深入剖析我自己的动机,我想在极大程度上是嫉妒。




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