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词汇 我相信
例句 The boss gave me to believe that we would be paid soon.老板让我相信我们很快就能领到工资。I'm confident that there's enough in the bank for a splurge on a great pair of shoes.我相信,银行里存有足够的钱能让我破费一回买双好鞋。I dare say you're feeling tired after your journey.我相信你旅行后一定感到累了。I'm sure all the big names will come to the club.我相信所有的大人物都会到这个俱乐部来。If we try I'm sure we can clear up these problems quickly.如果我们努力,我相信很快就能解决这些问题。I had my doubts about him at first, but I trust him now. He's all right.一开始我还对他抱有怀疑,但现在我相信他了。他很诚实。I trust you will treat what I say in the strictest confidence.我相信你必会对我说的话绝对保密。I believe man will conquer the weather in the near future.我相信人类在不久的将来将征服天候。I'm sure there is a very bright future for you in this company.我相信你在这家公司有光明的未来。I'm sure that new idea will pay dividends some day.我相信那个新观念总有一天会显出它的好处的。I believe he would have had a stabilising effect on the team.我相信他原本可以让全组人稳定下来的。I'm looking for a child. I believe your husband can help me find her.我在找一个小孩。我相信你丈夫可以帮我找到她。I'm sure you'll all join me in thanking today's speaker.我相信大家会和我一起对今天的演讲人表示感谢。I'm sure you girls got lots in common.我相信你们女孩子是有许多共同之处的。If we can talk to her for an hour I'm sure she'll come around to our point of view.如果我们能与她谈一小时,我相信她会改变态度接受我们的观点。I'm sure I don't need to spell out the consequences to you.我相信用不着我对你说明后果了。I'm sure that everything will go off smoothly on the day.我相信那天一切都会很顺利。I'm sure this delightful book will appeal to children of all ages.我相信这本有趣的书能吸引各个年龄的孩子。I am not cast down by it because I believe in the fundamental strength of the business.这件事并没有使我灰心,因为我相信企业的深厚根基。I believe that the market will brisk up.我相信市场会活跃起来。I trow she be the richest lady and the fairest of all the world.我相信她是世界上最富有最美丽的女子。In Australia I believe that they call it animal magnetism.我相信,在澳大利亚,他们称之为动物磁性。She's always wanted to be an actress, and I'm sure she'll get her wish.她一直想当演员,我相信她会如愿以偿的。I'm sure Craig's old enough to catch a train into town without coming to any harm.我相信克雷格已经长大,可以自己乘火车进城而不会有事的。I believe truth will overcome.我相信真理将会获胜。I'm sure your idea will sell.我相信你的观点能被接受。I know I can do it if you'll just give me a chance.只要你给我机会,我相信我行。I was convinced that he was brighter than average.我相信他比一般人聪明。She's tough - I'm sure she has the emotional resources to handle it.她很坚强,我相信凭她的意志能够应付。I don't believe Lotte and I will ever be parted.我相信我和洛蒂永远不会分开。I believe he's with Random House now.我相信现在他在兰登书屋工作。He convinced me of his innocence.他使我相信他是无辜的。Eleanor's work among the women will, I trust, bear fruit.我相信埃莉诺在妇女中所做的工作一定会有成效。I am sure that this meeting will contribute to the reinforcement of peace and security all over the world.我相信这次会议将会促进世界范围内的和平与安全。Barring accidents, I believe they will succeed.不出意外的话,我相信他们会成功的。I'm sure he's speaking the truth.我相信他讲的是真话。I trust my instincts.我相信自己的直觉。I believe in working hard to achieve success.我相信取得成功在于努力进取。She deluded me into thinking she was my friend.她骗得我相信她是我的朋友。You don't really expect me to believe that, do you?你其实并不指望我相信那一点吧?




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