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With Christmas just around the corner, starting your festive cooking now will give cakes and puddings time to mature.圣诞节即将来临,现在开始准备节日大餐将会有充分的时间做好蛋糕和布丁。Don't lump the pudding by letting it cool too fast.不要让布丁冷却过快而起一个个小疙瘩。We found the English treacle pudding too good to resist. Sure enough, it was delicious.我们觉得英国糖蜜布丁太好吃了,令人无法抗拒。的确非常美味。I've been eating too many stodgy puddings.我吃高淀粉的布丁吃得太多了。The pudding is quick and easy and needs little attention once in the oven.这种布丁做起来简单快捷,放到烤箱里之后就不用操什么心了。If you eat any more pudding, it will do the business for you.你再吃布丁会撑死的。He was digging into a steak-and-kidney pudding as I left.我离开时他正在大吃牛排腰子布丁。The only finishing touch most of these puddings need is a custard sauce.这些布丁大部分只需要用蛋奶沙司最后点缀一下。Any more pudding would simply be excessive.一口布丁也不能吃了,再吃就吃多了。The ice cream was good, but the pudding was cloying.冰激凌味道很好,但布丁太甜腻。Puddings are a great speciality of British cookery.布丁是英式菜肴的一大特色。The pudding set heavily on his stomach.布丁沉甸甸地堵在他胃里。Puddings are the jewel in the crown of British cookery.布丁是在英国烹饪中的精品。Brush top of pudding with apricot preserve or honey.在布丁的顶部涂上杏子酱或蜂蜜。I think I'll give the pudding a miss.我不想吃布丁了。The pudding is runnier than I like it.这个布丁比我想要的那种软。Shall I make a jelly for pudding?我来做布丁果冻好吗?Semolina is the material used to make puddings and pastas.粗粒小麦粉是用来作布丁和义大利面的原料。The batter should have/be the consistency of pudding.面糊的黏稠度应该和布丁差不多。Pudding is sometimes made with treacle.布丁有时用糖蜜做成。He ate all his pudding and then licked the bowl clean.他吃完了布丁,又把碗舔了个一干二净。The fresh fruit provides a contrast to the rich chocolate pudding.新鲜的水果同甜腻的巧克力布丁形成对比。I made an apple charlotte.我做了一个苹果奶油布丁。All that she would have to do was warm up the pudding.她所需要做的就是把布丁加热。Season the pudding with grated fresh nutmeg.用磨碎的新鲜肉豆蔻给布丁调味。The pudding had a smack of cinnamon.这布丁有一点儿桂皮香味。I might even make you a creme brulee.我也许还会为你做奶油布丁。It makes a superb filling for cakes and sponges.它非常适合做蛋糕和软布丁的馅儿。Serve the pudding, and pass around a bowl of yogurt to go with it.上布丁,把酸奶碗传一下,用酸奶拌着布丁吃。It is always served with plum duff.这道菜总是与李子布丁一起上。The coffee flavour complemented the richness of the pudding.咖啡的味道中和了布丁的油腻感。She used to make all these chocolate puddle puddings, you know, with the sauce underneath and all this sort of thing.她过去喜欢做巧克力夹心布丁,你知道吧,就是里面有巧克力酱之类的东西的。 |