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词汇 成员们
例句 The union will ballot members on the possibility of industrial action.工会将让成员们投票决定可能采取的劳工行动。We made the decision in consultation with the union members.我们与工会的成员们磋商后作出了决定。Grand jurors took an oath to keep secret their deliberations.大陪审团成员们宣誓对他们的审议情况保密。Members receive a detailed map showing all the major tourist attractions.成员们都收到了一份详细标示所有主要游览景点的地图。The members observed a most exact discipline.成员们遵守非常严格的行为准则。Opposition members felt the conference had been packed with government supporters.反对派的成员们觉得政府早就在大会中安插了许多支持者。The Presidium members were hostile to his bid for power.主席团成员们对他的夺权企图抱敌对态度。Members have been divided into twelve categories.成员们被分为十二类。A solid bloc of members supported the decision.成员们团结一致支持该决定。The court issued a contempt citation against city council members who refused to comply with a court order.法庭对拒不遵守法庭命令的的市议会成员们发出了藐视法庭的传票。Party unity is threatened when members will not compromise.成员们不愿妥协,党内团结受到了威胁。Members will work with Government agencies to ensure all students complete their tertiary studies.成员们将与政府机构合作,以确保所有学生都能完成高等教育阶段的学习。Members are concerned that a merger might mean higher costs, in which case they would oppose it.成员们担心合并会导致成本提高,若是那样的话,他们将提出反对。It was an open meeting, where members socialized and welcomed any new members.这是一次开放式的会议,在此成员们相互交流,并欢迎新成员的加入。Members have called for his resignation.成员们要求他辞职。Members have to conform to a strict dress code.成员们必须遵守严格的着装规定。




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