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词汇 成千上万
例句 Tens of thousands more suffered terrible injuries in the world's worst industrial disaster.还有成千上万的人在那场全世界最严重的工业灾难中受了重伤。The floods have left thousands homeless.洪水使成千上万的人无家可归。Thousands of French citizens, many weeping openly, bade a silent farewell to Mitterand.成千上万名法国人向密特朗表示无声的道别,许多人在大庭广众下流了泪。Thousands of Scottish fans will be travelling down to London for the big match.成千上万的苏格兰球迷南下到伦敦观看这场重大比赛。Over the years thousands of police have had to account for their actions before the courts.多年来,成千上万名警察无奈出庭,对自己的行为作出解释。Because of the drought, thousands of people are now facing starvation.由于干旱,成千上万的人正面临饥饿。Thousands of outraged citizens took to the streets to protest against the actions of the police.成千上万愤怒的市民走到街上抗议警察的行为。Thousands of fans packed into the stadium to watch the match.成千上万的球迷涌进体育场观看比赛。Thousands of people mourned his death/passing.成千上万的人哀悼他的去世/逝世。Thousands of poor people still want food and shelter.成千上万的穷人仍然缺少食物和住所。The earthquake left thousands of people homeless.地震造成成千上万的人无家可归。Thousands of devoted fans waited in the rain for the group to arrive.成千上万的忠实歌迷在雨中迎候这支乐队到来。Every Christmas thousands of people are drafted in to help with the mail.每逢圣诞节,成千上万的人都被召集来帮助处理邮件。Blind faith sent thousands of people to a pointless war.盲目的信念把成千上万的人送往一场毫无意义的战争。From all over the country, people came by the thousands to pay respect to their dead leader.全国各地的老百姓成千上万地赶来悼念他们逝去的领袖。Thousands of tourists visit Spain every year.每年都有成千上万的游客到西班牙观光。They say the government is not doing enough to investigate tens of thousands of killings and disappearances over the past few years.他们说政府在调查过去的数年中发生的成千上万的谋杀和失踪事件上做得并不够。Thousands of civilians were arrested, imprisoned and killed成千上万的平民遭到逮捕,关押并处决。He ran a protection racket which demanded thousands from local businesses.他从事收取保护费的勾当,从当地企业勒索了成千上万的钱财。Thousands of people have been crippled by the disease.成千上万的人因这种疾病致残。She is credited with inventing a procedure that has helped to save thousands of lives.人们相信是她创造了那个挽救了成千上万条生命的操作法。In that year, thousands of Christians suffered martyrdom for their faith.那一年,成千上万名基督徒为他们的信仰殉难。Thousands of people phoned in to make a donation.成千上万的观众拨打热线电话要捐款捐物。Thousands of Europe's tanks and guns are going to the scrapheap.欧洲成千上万的坦克和枪炮将被丢进废料堆。Thousands of children are living in want.成千上万的儿童生活在贫困中。Thousands of people have already left the capital in order to get away from the fighting.成千上万的人已经逃离首都躲避战争。The early Christian martyrs were killed by the thousands.成千上万的早期基督教殉道者被屠杀。Tens of thousands more suffered terrible injuries in the world's worst industrial disaster.还有成千上万人在那场全世界最严重的工业灾难中受了重伤。A new machine may save thousands of animals from the agony of drug tests.一种新型机器也许可以将成千上万的动物从药物试验的痛苦中解脱出来。Thousands of people attended a candlelight vigil for those killed in the massacre.成千上万的人参加了为大屠杀中死去的人进行的烛光守夜。The lives of thousands of birds are in jeopardy as a result of the oil spill.石油泄漏使成千上万只鸟的生命受到威胁。This could mean the closure of thousands of small businesses which serve the community.这可能意味着成千上万家服务社会的小企业将要倒闭。Thousands of people have been infected.成千上万的人已被感染。Thousands of cheering people greeted him.成千上万的人向他欢呼致敬。Thousands of people packed into the stadium.成千上万的人挤近体育馆。Thousands of trees have been logged in this area.这个地区成千上万棵树被砍伐了。Thousands of people sent floral tributes as an expression of their grief.成千上万的人敬献了鲜花表示哀痛。The remorseless spread of the virus has led to the deaths of thousands.病毒的持续蔓延已经造成成千上万的人死亡。Thousands of commuters faced a nightmare journey to work because of the strikes.由于罢工,成千上万的通勤者上班途中都经历了一场噩梦。Thousands of people were killed in the bloody revolution that toppled the government.在推翻政府的流血革命中,成千上万的人被杀害。




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