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He and I worked together on a book…我和他合写了一本书。He penned the script with his long-time writing partner.他与他的长期搭档合写了该剧本。Lennon and McCartney co-wrote most of the Beatles' songs.甲壳虫乐队的大多数歌曲是由列农和马卡特尼合写的。Antony and I are collaborating on a paper for the conference.安东尼和我正在为本次会议合写一篇论文。Fellini collaborated with Rossellini on the script of the film.费利尼与罗塞利尼合写这部电影的剧本。They collaborated to write a book.他们合写了一本书。I wrote the article in collaboration with a number of my colleagues.我与一些同事合写这篇文章。 |