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例句 She succeeded in persuading the jury to accept her version of the events.成功地说服了陪审团接受她对事件的看法。A plastic surgeon successfully rebuilt his nose.一位整形医生成功地为他的鼻子做了整形。They succeeded in silencing the enemy guns.他们成功地打哑了敌人的炮火。Let's assume for the sake of argument that we manage to build a satisfactory database.为了便于讨论,不妨假定我们成功地建立了一个令人满意的数据库。We succeeded in cutting off the enemy's line of retreat.我们成功地截断了敌人的撤退路线。Disabled people succeed in overcoming many obstacles in everyday life.残疾人成功地克服了日常生活中的许多障碍。She managed to surmount every obstacle that came her way.成功地克服了前进路上的所有障碍。The government succeeded in breaking the unions.政府成功地瓦解了工会。He had effectively used her as a decoy to conceal his liaison with Julia.成功地利用她做烟幕弹,掩盖了他与朱莉娅的私通。Because of his plainness of speech, he succeeded in making his point.由于他措词清楚,他成功地表明了自己的观点。The surgical implantation of iliac screws has been used successfully to correct spinal deformities.以手术方式植入髂骨螺丝钉被成功地用来矫正脊椎变形。They came through the ordeal with flying colors.他们成功地通过了严酷的考验。By careful strategy he managed to push the proposal through.透过审慎的谋划,他成功地使该建议获得通过。He successfully navigated the river to the Persian Gulf.成功地经由这条河航行到达波斯湾。Landing a job should be child's play for someone with his skills.对有技能的人来说,成功地找到一个工作应该是易如反掌的事。Barnett managed to steady the ship and avoid the rocks.巴尼特成功地使船稳了下来绕过礁石。The company has managed to maintain its status among retailers.这家公司成功地保住了它在零售业的地位。Her heart had stopped, but the doctors successfully resuscitated her.她的心跳都已经停了,但医生们还是成功地把她从鬼门关拉了回来。McGregor's effort was enough to edge Johnson out of top spot.麦格雷戈奋力一搏,成功地将约翰逊从第一的位置上挤了下来。He was talking about the way to get ahead in business.他正在谈如何成功地推展业务。Few U.S. companies have successfully penetrated the Japanese electronics market.很少有美国公司成功地打入日本的电子产品市场。Born to a poverty-stricken family, she dragged herself out of the gutter to become a successful business owner.她出生在一个极度贫困的家庭,但是她从社会最底层奋力挣扎出来,成功地拥有了自己的公司。His job was to achieve the release of the hostages, a task he successfully accomplished.他的职责是力争人质的释放,这一任务他成功地完成了。He has successfully retained his position as national president of the society.成功地保住了自己作为该协会全国主席的职位。The story was completely untrue and was successfully challenged in court.这个陈述完全不真实,在法庭上被成功地揭穿了。The spacecraft successfully completed the docking.宇宙飞行器成功地完成对接。They succeeded in cultivating fine breeds of silkworms.他们成功地培育了优良的蚕种。They succeeded in solving the problem.他们成功地解决了这个问题。She managed to engineer a deal.成功地将一笔交易骗到手。The police successfully ensnared the burglar.警方成功地抓获了盗贼。State health officials have succeeded in containing the virus.国家卫生官员成功地防止了这种病毒的扩散。The show successfully spoofs the TV programs and commercials.这场表演通过模仿成功地讽刺了那些电视节目和商业广告。They made a successful ascent of the mountain.他们成功地登上了山。She defended herself successfully in court.她在法庭上成功地为自己作了辩护。In the last few years, the company has succeeded in conquering the European market.近几年里这家公司成功地征服了欧洲市场。Our team succeeded in stopping their offensive momentum.我们队成功地阻止了他们的进攻势头。He had succeeded in putting her at her ease, despite her natural shyness.尽管她天性羞怯,他仍然成功地使她放松了下来。In this room antique and modern furniture have been successfully mixed.在这个房间里,古典家具和现代家具成功地搭配在一起。The committee succeeded in flushing out several good candidates.委员会成功地找出了几个不错的候选人。She successfully combines her career with family life.成功地兼顾事业和家庭。




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