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I hope my dream about prison won't come true!希望我那个关于监狱的梦不会成为现实 !Rapid electronic communication is now a fact.迅捷的电子通信如今已成为现实。I'd always dreamed of owning my own house, but I never thought it would come true.我以前一直梦想拥有属于自己的房子,但从没想到这会成为现实。Many of his predictions are coming true…他的很多预言正成为现实。Mistakes are a necessary part of actualizing your vision.要使构想成为现实,犯错是不可避免的。His dream has become a reality.他的梦想已成为现实。We learned we must take threats seriously before they fully materialize.我们认识到我们必须认真对待这些威胁以免其全部成为现实。Pessimism is self-fulfilling - expect the worst and it happens.悲观自然会成为现实——预计有最坏的事,最坏的事便会发生。 |