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词汇 成一团
例句 The boys were fighting/arguing with each other.男孩们打成/吵成一团Granulating allows the mixture to lock together forming a solid mass.颗粒化使得混合物黏着在一起形成一团固体。Sailors know how to wind up a long rope neatly.水手懂得怎样把一条很长的绳子干净利落地盘成一团Immediately she'd gone, the boys started to mess about.她一走开,男孩们便闹成一团The judges went into a huddle to decide the winner.评委们围成一团商量决定谁是获胜者。The audience was in hysterics.观众们笑成一团He crumpled up under the shocking news.他听到这个令人震惊的消息便瘫成一团Everybody stick close together.大家都紧紧地抱成一团A number of swallows conglobulated together by flying round and round.一群燕子盘旋着飞成一团The vegetables had turned into a sticky mass at the bottom of the pan.蔬菜在锅底粘成一团When our team won, there was bedlam in the gym.当我们队得胜时,体育馆里闹成一团I've got my shoelaces in a knot.我的鞋带绞成一团了。The cat's fur was matted with blood.这只猫的毛被血粘成一团I screwed my wet handkerchief into a ball.我把我的湿手帕拧成一团




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