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词汇 戏剧性
例句 The drama quickened when police arrived at the scene.警察到达现场时,这一戏剧性事件就变得热闹起来。There's a sufficiency of drama in these lives to sustain your interest.这些人的生活充满了戏剧性,总能让你兴趣盎然。In a dramatic turn of events she took the company into her own hands.事态发生了戏剧性变化 - 她亲自掌控公司了。All the paintings are startlingly dramatic as a result of their depth of field and colour.景深和色彩的运用令所有的画作都展现出令人惊叹的戏剧性效果。His defence lawyer said that Wilson's lifestyle had altered dramatically since the offences three years ago.他的辩护律师称,自从三年前犯罪以来,威尔逊的生活方式发生了戏剧性变化。It was a brilliant play - full of drama, and both sadness and comedy.这部戏很出色,充满了戏剧性,悲喜的成分兼而有之。The film has eerie parallels with the drama being played out in real life.这部电影和现实生活中发生的一系列戏剧性事件有着诡异的巧合之处。From here the main thread proliferates into a succession of dramatic sub-plots.从这里开始,这条主线扩散为一个接一个的戏剧性从属情节。He was struck by the tableau the three of them made.他们三个搞的戏剧性场面把他迷住了。Her exit seemed suitably dramatic.她的退场很富戏剧性,但似乎又是在情理之中。John thrust himself dramatically into her life.约翰戏剧性地闯进了她的生活。The witness' unexpected disclosure was filled with drama.证人出人意料的揭发充满戏剧性It's just as dramatic as a film, only it's real.这就像电影一样充满戏剧性,不过这是真实发生的。The actor was involved in a real-life drama when he was held up at gunpoint last night.这名演员遭遇了现实生活中的一个戏剧性事件 - 他昨晚在枪口威胁下被抢劫。TV studios repackage real-life dramas as entertainment.电视台把现实生活的戏剧性情节重新包装成娱乐节目。He'd had enough melodrama the previous night at the hotel.前一晚他在酒店里经历了足够多的戏剧性事件。The Liberals have scored a dramatic victory in this by-election.自由党人在这次补缺选举中戏剧性地大获全胜。A similar drama took place in Washington three years ago.三年前,华盛顿发生了一场类似的戏剧性事件。Maggie's life is always full of drama.玛吉的生活总是充满了戏剧性事件。His novel mixes humor with drama.他的小说结合了幽默和戏剧性




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