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词汇 城里
例句 He turned the car in the direction of the city.他把车子掉了个方向,朝城里开去。You can walk to town from here, but it's quite a trek.你可以从这儿走到城里去,但是路有些远。This is the oldest church in town.这是城里最古老的教堂。He looked through the tourist guide and picked out a few exhibitions to see while he was in town.他查看了旅游指南,选了几个展览,打算去城里时看。He is regarded as the best doctor in town.他被公认为城里最好的医生。I've been walking around Moscow and the town is terribly quiet.我在莫斯科到处游逛,城里非常安静。Since the riot, race relations in the city have not been good.自从发生暴乱后,城里的种族关系就不好了。The streets of the city were filled with joyful crowds celebrating the New Year.城里的街道上到处是欢庆新年的人群。The town offers several holiday lettings.城里有几处假日出租房。We visited a magnificent palace in the city.我们参观了一座城里的宏伟宫殿。For several days the city was a prey to rumour.一连几天,城里谣言纷起,人心惶惶。Police have raided nightclubs in the city for illegal drugs.警方就毒品问题已对城里的夜总会进行了突击搜查。The famous tailor dresses a number of society women in the city.这位有名的裁缝给城里好些上流社会的妇女设计服装。Well, if you get tired of life in the city, you can always come back home.好吧,如果你过腻了城里的生活,随时可以回家来。As many as ten bombs went off across the city, most of them car bombs.城里发生了多达十起的炸弹爆炸事件,大多数为汽车炸弹。Many people come from the outlying/surrounding villages to work in the town.很多人从周围的乡村来到这座城里工作。The road dipped steeply down into the town.这条路陡然下斜,一直延伸到城里Her home is a rented one-bedroom apartment in a shabby part of town.她的住所是一套租来的一居室公寓,位于城里很差的地段。She visits the city on occasion.她有时到城里去。They've been having a hard time finding an apartment in the city.他们一直在辛苦地找间城里的公寓。Conditions in poor quarters were horrible.城里穷人居住区条件十分糟糕。Strangers get such shabby treatment in this town that they never want to visit it again.陌生人在这个城里遇到如此怠慢的对待,以至于没有人会再度访问它。How do we get to the town from here?我们从这儿怎么去城里She made the acquaintance of a man from the city.她结识了一位城里来的男人。We're planning to hit the town tomorrow.我们打算明天去城里吃喝玩乐。Many young people move to the cities in search of a better future.许多年轻人都搬到城里寻找更美好的前途。I'm a city boy and wouldn't really know about living on the land.我是个城里男孩,不太了解农村生活。He complained that there were not enough distractions in the town.他抱怨城里娱乐场所不够多。He goes to a barber downtown.他去城里理发。After the bomb, an uneasy calm settled on the city.爆炸发生后,城里笼罩着一种令人不安的平静。She drives to town every few days.她每隔几天就开车到城里去。Local residents think that the new shopping centre is one of the ugliest buildings in the city.当地居民认为新落成的购物中心是城里最丑陋的建筑之一。It was all go in town today.今天城里特别热闹。Old properties in the town have acquired a scarcity value.城里的老房子变得物以稀为贵。After years of war and pestilence, few people remained in the city.经过多年的战争和瘟疫,城里剩下的人不多了。Ask Caroline - she knows all the happening clubs in town.去问卡罗琳——她知道城里所有的时髦俱乐部。This is where the city's blue bloods like to gather.这里是城里名门望族喜欢聚集的地方。She's contemplating moving to the city. = She's contemplating a move to the city.她正在考虑搬到城里去。A lot of the city's older buildings are accidents waiting to happen.城里的许多老建筑迟早都会出问题。Most guests make at least one foray into the town.多数客人至少去过一次城里




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