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词汇 城市生活
例句 I prefer country life to city life.我喜爱乡村生活,不喜爱城市生活The fox is a good example of a wild animal that has adapted to living in towns.这种狐狸是野生动物适应了城市生活的好例子。Living in a large city offers a number of advantages.在大城市生活有很多好处。Life in the city was not without its difficulties.城市生活并不是没有困难。Urban dwellers often accept noise as part of city life.城市居民常将噪音当成城市生活的一部分。She was exhausted by the hustle and bustle of city life.她被大城市生活的喧嚣纷扰弄得精疲力竭。The children are unused to city life.孩子们不习惯城市生活He had become fed up with city life.他已经厌倦了城市生活She became infatuated with the charms of city life.她为城市生活的魅力着了谜。Wanton violence is now becoming a regular feature of urban life.无端的暴行现在逐渐成为城市生活的常态。He prefers rural life to urban one.他喜欢乡村生活而不喜欢城市生活She grew up in the boondocks so city life came as a real shock to her.她生长于偏僻地区,城市生活使她受到了很大的震动。Unaccustomed to city life, they pined for their own farm.由于不习惯城市生活,他们非常想念自己的农场。The story is a closely/well observed portrait of the city.这个故事是对城市生活的逼真描述。He soon sickened of busy city life and moved out to the country.他很快就厌倦了忙碌的城市生活,搬到了乡下。There is a belief that village life is somehow morally superior to city life.有这样一种观点,认为乡村生活从某种程度上说在道德上要高于城市生活There seems to be no escape from the noise and confusion of city life.城市生活喧嚣而纷乱,你好像无处可逃。They can't stand the pace in the city.他们跟不上城市生活的节奏。His parents are trying to make up to him for the restrictions of urban living.他的父母正试图弥补他在城市生活的局限。She didn't want to live in the city and longed instead for the peace and quiet of the country.她不想在城市生活,而向往乡村的平静和安宁。The Heights was quiet and clean and remote from the busy daily life of the city.高地清静干净,与忙碌的城市生活极不相同。She soon got used to the hustle and bustle of city life.她不久就习惯城市生活的喧闹繁忙。He's tired of living in cities, and wants to get back to the land.他厌倦了城市生活,想回到农村。He didn't paint a very pretty picture of city life.他没有把城市生活的画面描绘得很美好。Some people like town life, but give me the country.有些人喜欢城市生活,我可是喜欢乡村。I'm not suited to living in the city.我不适合在这个城市生活Efforts are being made to make life more tranquil in Japan's noisy and overcrowded cities.人们正在努力使日本嘈杂拥挤的城市生活更为宁静一些。I'm just not a city person. 我不太喜欢城市生活Gradually, the novelty of city life began to pall.渐渐地,城市生活的新奇之处开始失去吸引力。City life is becoming increasingly dangerous.城市生活变得越来越危险了。Violence and crime are pervasive features of city life.暴力和犯罪是城市生活的普遍特征。Unaccustomed to city life, they pined after their own farm.由于不习惯城市生活,他们非常想念自己的农场。The pace of city life threatens our sanity.城市生活的节奏威胁到我们的精神健康。City life has no attraction for me.城市生活对我没有诱惑力。Traffic is one of the less agreeable aspects of city life.交通是城市生活中不太尽如人意的方面之一。The difference between living in the country and living in the city is immense.农村生活与城市生活之间的差别非常大。They are staying here at their secret retreat from life in the city.他们远离城市生活,一直住在隐蔽的静养处。This play is the image of contemporary urban life.这个剧本是当代城市生活的生动写照。Noise is the curse of modern city life.噪音是困扰现代城市生活的因素。The lure of city life has drawn away many of the town's young people.城市生活诱使许多年轻人离开了小镇。




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