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词汇 慈善机构
例句 The organization has charitable status.该组织是慈善机构Many nongovernmental charities are run by religious groups.许多非政府慈善机构是由宗教团体管理的。There are a handful of charities which I support regularly.有几家慈善机构我经常赞助。The school raised a lot of money for charity.学校为慈善机构募集了许多钱。These charities depend on the compassionate feelings and generosity of the general public.这些慈善机构的运营依靠的是公众的同情心和慷慨捐助。Charities, by and large, do not pay tax.慈善机构一般来说无需缴税。It is a Cinderella of charities, and needs more help.这个慈善机构得到的关注太少了,需要更多的帮助。We've got commitments from several charities to donate food and clothing.我们从几家慈善机构得到捐赠食品和衣物的承诺。The money was parceled out to local charities.钱被分给各地方慈善机构了。Many of the artists in the show donated their fees to charity.许多参加表演的艺术家把他们的所得捐给了慈善机构Recycle your old clothes by giving them away to charity.旧衣服可以送给慈善机构回收利用。A Nottingham-based charity runs the scheme in Britain.一个总部设在诺丁汉的慈善机构在英国运作了这个方案。The charity is still feeling the effects of revelations about its one-time president.这家慈善机构仍受到其前主席被检举带来的影响。She gave liberally to the charity.她向慈善机构慷慨捐赠。All the proceeds from the sale will go to charity.义卖所得将全部捐给慈善机构He was taken in by a man who said he was collecting money for a charity.他被一个自称为慈善机构筹款的人骗了。I boxed up some clothes and books to donate to charity.我把一些衣服和书装进箱子里准备捐给慈善机构It says on the back of the card "all proceeds to charity".卡片背面写着“所有收入捐给慈善机构”。There has been a general decline in giving to charities.慈善机构的捐赠总的来说减少了。They subscribed to local charities.他们向当地慈善机构捐过款。The dance marked the kickoff of the charity's fund drive.舞会标志着该慈善机构募集基金运动的开始。Charities often have a well-known person as their honorary treasurer.慈善机构常常请一位名人担任他们的名誉司库。She directs a large charity.她主管一家大型慈善机构It is one of the only charities to care for Aids patients and ex-prisoners.这是为艾滋病人和刑满释放者提供服务的少数几家慈善机构之一。He's thrown up his job and gone off to Africa to work for a children's charity.他辞掉了工作,去非洲为一家儿童慈善机构工作。The future of the charity will be one of the items on the agenda.慈善机构的未来将是议事日程上的项目之一。Elton John has campaigned for a number of AIDS charities.埃尔顿·约翰为许多艾滋病慈善机构发起过运动。The charity also accepts in-kind donations such as food or clothing.这家慈善机构也接受如食品或衣服等的实物捐赠。Charities depend on people supporting their activities.慈善机构依靠民众支持他们的活动。A number of charities are coordinating their efforts to distribute food to the region.几家慈善机构通力协作为该地区分发食品。The charity urged quick action.慈善机构敦促迅速采取行动。He regularly donates substantial sums of money to local charities.他定期向当地慈善机构捐出大笔钱。The charity has earned widespread praise for its work.这家慈善机构因其工作广受称赞。The charity criticized the city for its "callous, uncaring attitude" to the homeless.慈善机构批评政府对无家可归者所采取的“冷漠无情的态度”。The charity exists to meet the needs of elderly people.慈善机构的存在是为了满足老年人的需要。The remainder of the money will be donated to charity.剩余款将捐给慈善机构She gave her late husband's clothes to charity.她把丈夫去世后留下的衣服捐给了慈善机构The legal aid charity has helped overturn some notoriously unjust verdicts.这个法律援助慈善机构帮助推翻了很多众所周知的不公正判决。All the major charities are appealing for funds to help the victims of the disaster.各大慈善机构都在呼吁人们捐款帮助灾民。The charity is drawing up a strategy to meet the needs of the homeless.慈善机构正在拟订一项计划,以满足无家可归者的需要。




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