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I don't want to risk offending your parents.我可不愿意冒险得罪你父母。Many people are willing to gamble on the new treatment. 许多人愿意冒险试一试这种新疗法。I am aware of the risks involved in the project, but I am willing to take them.我知道这计划所涉及的风险,但我愿意冒险。Many people are willing to take a gamble on the new treatment. 许多人愿意冒险试一试这种新疗法。Investors have been unwilling to take a flier on such a small and unproven company.投资者向来不愿意冒险投资这样一种规模小又未经实践检验的公司。The disarmament talks failed because neither side was prepared to risk taking the initiative.裁军谈判告吹,因为双方都不愿意冒险采取主动。He showed himself willing to take a risk.他证明了自己愿意冒险。No one wants to put their neck on the line and predict an outcome.没人愿意冒险预测结果。I'm not prepared to take risks-I want the equipment thoroughly checked.我不愿意冒险,设备必须彻底地检查。 |