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词汇 感到担心
例句 Doctors are concerned at the prospect of patients having to wait up to a year for surgery.想到病人得等上一年才能手术,医生们都感到担心Faculty members worried about the calibre of students.教师们对学生的水平感到担心Travellers in Spain who are worried about the situation are advised to contact the British Embassy in Madrid.在西班牙旅行的人如对形势感到担心,建议与位于马德里的英国大使馆联系。I just received a call from a concerned parent.我刚刚接到一位感到担心的家长打来的电话。Your father and I are worried sick about you.我和你父亲很为你感到担心Officials are concerned about rogue regimes that may have nuclear weapons.官员们对可能拥有核武器的无赖政权感到担心You have my deepest sympathy, and my thoughts are with you.我向你深表同情,并为你感到担心Living on my own has never bothered me.独自生活从来没有让我感到担心The changes in the Earth's climate began to worry some scientists.地球气候的变化开始使一些科学家感到担心Investors worry as the economy lurches towards recession.经济逐渐走向衰退时,投资者感到担心Like most mothers, I always feel anxious when my children come home late.与大多数母亲一样,当孩子回家晚时我总是感到担心The problems are genuine and people have the right to be concerned.问题确实存在,人们有理由感到担心She was distressed to see he was crying.看到他在哭,她感到担心




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