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词汇 评论家
例句 Some critics might postpone him to previous presidents.一些评论家可能将他排在前几任总统之后。Some critics say that the tax cuts only benefit wealthy people.一些评论家认为,减税只能惠及富人。The critic made some perspicacious observations about the film.评论家对那部电影提出了深刻的见解。Both films were mauled by the critics.两部电影都受到了评论家的抨击。The critics were full of praise for the movie.评论家对影片交口称誉。The novel elicited sneers from the critics.这部小说引起了评论家的鄙夷。Their first album took its lumps from the critics. 他们的第一张专辑遭到评论家尖刻的批评。Critics everywhere have eulogized her new novel.各地的评论家都对她的新小说大加称赞。The critics condemned the play for lewdness.评论家批评这出戏内容淫亵。The concert should satisfy even the most jaded critic.这场音乐会应该能够让最不容易打动的评论家都觉得满意。Critics knocked his latest film for its portrayal of women.评论家批评他最新影片中对女性的描写。The reviewer singled her performance out for praise/criticism.评论家单独表扬/批评了她的表演。The film has maintained its position as the critics' favourite for another year.这部电影再度被评论家评为年度最佳影片。The critics trashed the new film.评论家抨击了那部新电影。Some critics slashed his new book.一些评论家严厉批评他的新书。Slated by critics at the time, the film has since become a cult classic.尽管在当时备受评论家的非议,这部影片后来却成了一部有关异端邪教的经典之作。The performance earned them rave reviews from critics.这次表演使他们赢得了评论家的高度评价。Doherty's most recent novel has been slated by the critics.多尔蒂最新出版的小说受到了评论家的严厉批评。A good critic will refer back to the text often.好的评论家会时时回顾原文。The critics failed to understand the structural complexities of the novel's language.这些评论家没有理解这部小说的语言在结构上的复杂性。Some critics say that the movie reinforces negative stereotypes about the military.一些评论家指出这部影片加深了人们对军人的偏见。Critics say that the spending cuts will disembowel the program.评论家指出,减少经费将使这个计划成为空壳。The critic passed judgment on the new book.评论家批评了那本新书。Many commentators doubted the political wisdom of introducing a new tax.许多评论家怀疑开征一项新税在政治上是否明智。As one critic perceptively observes, the city itself is perhaps the most important character in the novel.正如一位评论家敏锐的见解,这座城市本身或许就是小说中最重要的主人公。Even if this album doesn't sell and the critics don't like it, we wouldn't ever change.即使这张专辑得不到市场和评论家的青睐,我们也不会作出任何改变。The movie was panned by the critics.那部电影遭到了评论家的严厉批评。The play received rave reviews from the critics.这部剧得到了评论家的高度评价。He forestalled critics by offering a defense of the project.他抢在评论家之前,为这个项目进行辩解。Critics disliked his one-note performance as the movie's villain.评论家不喜欢他作为电影反派角色一成不变的表演。Critics went into raptures over her performance.评论家对她的表演赞不绝口。Critics have dismissed his work as unimportant.评论家认为他的作品没有分量而不予考虑。I was never torn to pieces by the critics.我之前从未被评论家狠批过。The play has had a mixed reception from critics.评论家对这部戏的评价毁誉参半。The movie was panned by all the critics.这部影片受到了所有评论家的严厉批评。The food critic made an incognito visit to the restaurant.那名美食评论家隐瞒自己的身份光顾了那家餐厅。Her book was ambushed by the critics.她的书遭到评论家的狂轰滥炸。Critics described the paintings as worthless.评论家把那些油画描述成一文不值的垃圾。The Almeida Theatre's recent staging of the opera had critics foaming at the mouth.阿尔梅达剧院最近上演的歌剧招致评论家大加贬斥。The play met with a mixed reaction from the critics.评论家对这出戏褒贬不一。




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