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词汇 frozen
例句 Britain has already frozen its aid programme.英国已冻结了其援助项目。We skated across the frozen pond.我们滑冰穿过结冻的池塘。It doesn't make any difference whether you use fresh berries or frozen ones.用新鲜莓子还是用冷冻的莓子没有区别。The shirt was frozen stiff.衬衫已经被冻硬了。All the locks had frozen up.锁全都被冻住了。All government employees have had their salaries frozen at last year's levels.所有政府雇员的工资都被冻结在去年的水平。When I'm doing the cooking, we use all frozen stuff for convenience.我做饭的时候,我们全部都用速冻食品以图省事。Fresh fish is much more delicious than frozen.鲜鱼比冷冻的鱼味道鲜美多了。His salary was frozen at 200 dollars per week.他的薪水冻结在每周二百美元的水平上。I sat for a long instant frozen in horror.吓得我呆呆地僵坐了好半响儿。I'm frozen - could you close the window?冻死我了——把窗户关上好吗?She disinterred two frozen TV dinners from the freezer.她在冰箱里发现了两份冷冻电视便餐。The lake was frozen over until late spring.这片湖泊直到晚春的时候仍是冰冻着的。Few animals can exist in the frozen wastes of the Arctic.几乎没有动物能在北极洲冰封的荒芜地区生存。The samples were frozen in liquid nitrogen.这些样品冷冻在液态氮里。The pipes had frozen during the severe weather.管道在严寒的天气里冻住了。Fresh fish tastes completely different to fish that has been frozen.新鲜的鱼味道和冷冻的鱼截然不同。The main ingredients can be prepared and frozen in advance.主要材料可以预先准备好并冷冻起来。These two pots are frozen together.两只盆冻在一起了。We were frozen to the bone. 我们感到寒气彻骨。The government has frozen foreign assets.政府冻结了外国资产。East Anglians played bandy on frozen ponds and canals.东英吉利人在结冰的池塘和运河上打曲棍球。If the lock has frozen up, try lubricating it with oil.如果锁卡住了,上点油润滑一下试试。I got frozen stiff and soaked through.我冻坏了,全身都湿透了。She held the coffee cup tightly, trying to thaw her frozen fingers.她紧紧地握住咖啡杯,想把冰冷的手指捂暖。The wind whipped across the half-frozen lake.风刮过半结冰的湖面。The meeting was frozen out.会议因天气寒冷而未举行。It was a frosty autumn morning with spiders’ webs glistening in the frozen grass.这是秋天一个严寒的早晨,蜘蛛网在结霜的草上一闪一亮。The frozen spinach can be heated up right in its original packaging.速冻菠菜可以在原包装内加热。They skated over the frozen lake.他们在结冰的湖面上滑冰。The ground is frozen for most of the year.一年的大部分时间,地面都是冻得硬邦邦的。You can use fresh or frozen fish.你可以使用新鲜或冷冻的鱼。Delicate herbs keep their flavour better when frozen.清淡的香草在冷冻状态下味道更容易持久。The milk in the bottle has frozen solid.瓶里的牛奶已冻成块了。The snow was frozen hard.雪已经冻硬了。The government announced that it had frozen the assets of three senior bank officials.政府宣布冻结三名银行高级职员的资产。I'm frozen – can't we go inside?我觉得很冷,我们到里面去不行吗?I collected a trolley and wheeled it towards the frozen food section.我取了一辆手推车,把它推向冷冻食品区。Water will reconstitute the frozen concentrate.水会使冻结的浓缩物复原。The blanket had frozen to the windscreen.毯子冻在挡风玻璃上了。




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