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词汇 froth
例句 All this can be dismissed as so much froth.所有这些都可以看成是毫无价值的东西。Bring to the boil, skimming off any froth that rises to the surface.烧开后撇去浮到上面的渣子。His books are just froth, but they're enjoyable enough.他的书没什么价值,但可读性还不错。Some beer has more froth than others.有些啤酒的泡沫比别的啤酒多。The book has too much froth and not enough fact.这本书空话太多,事实很少。The story would make any news editor froth at the mouth with excitement.这个报道会使任何新闻编辑激动不已。The coffee had a milky froth on top.咖啡表面有乳白色的泡沫。The play was little more than froth.这出戏只不过是些浅薄的空谈。I like the froth on the top of the coffee.我喜欢咖啡表面的那层白沫。Falling in love the first time is all froth and fantasy.初恋只不过是一场虚幻的美梦。A rabid dog may froth at the mouth.疯狗可能嘴边流著白沫。When you first open the bottle the beer will froth for a few seconds.刚打开瓶盖时,啤酒会起几秒钟的泡沫。Most of the shows on TV are froth and trivia.大多数电视节目是空泛琐屑的。Add a little of the warmed milk and allow to froth a little.加一点温牛奶,并让它起点儿沫。This story has many ingredients which make any news editor froth at the mouth with excitement.这篇报道包含了众多元素,任何一个新闻编辑都会激动得嘴上唾沫横飞。No substance at all, just froth.没有任何内容,只是空洞的想法。




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