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词汇 惊奇
例句 Throughout the house, the views are a constant source of surprise and delight.从房子各处看到的景色不断给人带来惊奇和欣喜。I expressed some surprise at the elaborate welcome which had been prepared for me.对于他们为我准备的这个隆重的欢迎仪式,我表示有些惊奇You can't think how surprised we were.你不能想像我们当时是多么惊奇I was amazed that he could sing such high notes.我很惊奇他能唱出这么高的音。You have to wonder how anyone could say that seriously and with a straight face.你一定会惊奇怎么会有人能绷着脸、一本正经地说出那些话。I am surprised you give countenance to such conduct.我很惊奇你会对这样的行为表示赞同。Laura looked around her with amazement.劳拉惊奇地环顾四周。There was a look of wonder in his eyes.他眼中露出惊奇的神色。The crowd watched in amazement as the magician performed his tricks.大伙儿惊奇地看着魔术师表演魔术。Therefore he had been surprised to find himself the subject of wire story.所以他惊奇地发现自己成了专线报道的主角。Her calm reception of the bad news surprised her friends.她听到坏消息镇定自若,令她的朋友们惊奇He stared at the animal in amazement.惊奇地盯着这只动物。To my surprise, she drank up the whole bottle of wine.使我惊奇的是她把一瓶酒全喝了。I added up all my profits and I was surprised at how much I had made in the year.我把我所有的盈利都加起来,惊奇地发现我一年内竟然赚了这么多。Little Tom blinked his eyes in surprise.小汤姆惊奇地眨著眼睛。Her colleagues were all surprised at her rapid advance in the company.她的飞速升迁令公司同仁均感惊奇The early retirement plan is excellent and I'm surprised that people haven't jumped at the opportunity.提早退休的方案非常好,这样的机会人们却不马上抓紧很让我惊奇He came to town for the first time and looked around in wonderment.他第一次进城,惊奇地东张西望。The children watched in wonderment as the circus began.马戏表演开始时孩子们惊奇地观看着。She looked at her glass and was amazed to find it was empty.她看了一眼自己的杯子,惊奇地发现竟然是空的。Paul gave a little grunt of surprise.保罗发出惊奇的咕哝声。Her calm reception of the bad news surprised us.他听到坏消息镇定自若,这使我们惊奇He looked up at her in surprise.惊奇地抬头望着她。The element of surprise could be one of our best weapons.来些惊奇也许是我们最好的武器之一。He could hardly suppress his surprise.他几乎抑制不住自己的惊奇I was expressing some amazement and wonder at her good fortune.我对她的好运既惊奇又感叹。When the archaeologists reconstructed the fragments, they were amazed to find that the goddess turned out to be a very modern-looking woman.考古工作者把这些碎片重新拼装起来后,惊奇地发现那位女神原来是一位相貌十分摩登的女郎。She was surprised to learn that he didn't think it was beneath him to help around the house.得知他并不觉得在家帮忙做事有失身份,她很惊奇She was surprised to learn he had a romantic side to his nature.惊奇地发现,他的本性中还有浪漫的一面。I could not disguise my surprise.我无法掩饰自己的惊奇It doesn't bloody well surprise me.这一点儿也不使我惊奇Her eyes were wide with wonder and awe.她的眼睛因惊奇和敬畏而睁得大大的。There was an amazed expression on her face.她的脸上露出惊奇的表情。The unexpected raise really knocked him off his feet.突如其来的加薪真使他惊奇得不知所措。When the gloom finally lifts, the pessimists will be surprised at how much has been going right.低迷气氛最终消失以后,悲观主义者会惊奇地发现好多事一直都在正常地进行。He was overcome with astonishment.惊奇得不得了。We couldn't help laughing at the children's surprised faces.看着孩子们惊奇的脸孔,我们忍俊不禁。They were amazed to discover that their grandmother had been a professional dancer.他们惊奇地发现他们的祖母曾是专业舞蹈演员。Visitors are often amazed to discover how little the town has changed.游客经常会惊奇地发现这个小城几乎没有什么变化。Cross shook his head in wonder.克罗斯惊奇地摇摇头。




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