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词汇 惊叹不已
例句 Sue gave an exclamation as we got a clear sight of the house.我们清楚看到那所房子时,休惊叹不已Sara and I read the story and marvelled.莎拉和我读了这个故事惊叹不已She gazed down in wonder at the city spread below her.她俯视展现在眼前的城市,惊叹不已The beautiful new theater took my breath away. 美丽的新剧院令我惊叹不已We watched the fireworks show with wonder and amazement.我们观看了焰火表演,个个惊叹不已The beauty of the scenery took our breath away.风景美得令我们惊叹不已They gazed in wonder at the mighty peaks.他们看着雄伟的山峰,惊叹不已We were awed by the splendor and magnificence of the palace.宫殿的富丽堂皇令我们惊叹不已They were awestruck by the sheer size of the project.这个项目的规模让他们惊叹不已We stood in awe of the lofty redwood trees.高耸入云的巨杉令我们惊叹不已The beauty of the city amazed her.这座城市的美景令她惊叹不已He liked to sit and wonder at all that had happened.他喜欢坐着对发生的一切惊叹不已I was awed but not frightened by the huge gorilla.那只硕大无比的大猩猩让我惊叹不已,但是我并不怕它。We were all stunned by the news.消息令我们所有人惊叹不已Sara and I read the story and marveled.我和萨拉读了这部小说后惊叹不已He was awed by the natural beauty of the place.他对这个地方的自然美景惊叹不已I heard this song on the radio and it just took my breath away.我是从收音机里听到这首歌的,它令我惊叹不已




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