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词汇 恐龙
例句 The most interesting thing about dinosaurs is the fact that they all died out so suddenly.有关恐龙最有意思的就是它们突然间灭绝了。A new generation of scientists became fascinated by dinosaurs.新一代科学家对恐龙研究着了迷。The plastic pieces snap together to make a replica of a dinosaur.塑料拼块吧嗒一声合在一起,成了一个恐龙模型。The dinosaur bones turned out to be bogus.这些恐龙骨骼结果是伪造的。Recent evidence supports the theory that birds are the modern descendants of dinosaurs.近期的证据为鸟类是恐龙的现代后裔这一理论提供了支持。Recent evidence supports the theory that birds descended from dinosaurs.近期的证据为鸟类起源于恐龙的理论提供了支持。Dinosaurs have been extinct for millions of years.恐龙已灭绝数百万年了。The dinosaurs disappeared long ago.恐龙很久以前就绝种了。I was mad keen on dinosaurs when I was little.我小时候对恐龙非常着迷。The film's very realistic dinosaurs were animated on computers.电影里逼真的恐龙是通过电脑动画制作的。Dinosaurs were huge ungainly animals with tiny brains.恐龙是一种体形庞大、行动笨拙、脑袋很小的动物。The children really liked the museum, specially the dinosaurs.孩子们非常喜欢博物馆,特别是里面那些恐龙Studios are rushing out monster movies to take advantage of our new-found enthusiasm for dinosaurs.电影公司趁着刚刚兴起的恐龙热正忙着赶拍怪兽电影。The dinosaur exhibit is pretty neat with lots of info about each period.恐龙展览很有条理,每个时期都有大量的资料。State-of-the-art computer animation brought the ancient dinosaurs back to life.最先进的电脑动画制作技术让远古的恐龙复活了。People have proposed all sorts of hypotheses to explain why dinosaurs have become extinct.人们提出种种假设,试图说明恐龙为什么会灭绝。The fossils at Dinosaur Cove are embedded in hard sandstones.恐龙峡谷中的化石都嵌在坚硬的砂岩中。The most spectacular dinosaur fossils can be seen in this museum.那些最引人注目的恐龙化石可在这个博物馆中看到。The sheer size of these dinosaurs was their main weapon.这些恐龙主要凭硕大的体型来御敌。How can you go out with her? She's a real dog.你怎么能和她谈恋爱呢?她简直就是个恐龙The museum is an excellent place to let children indulge their curiosity about dinosaurs.博物馆是一个极好的地方,可以满足孩子们对于恐龙的好奇心。Dinosaurs vanished from the face of the earth millions of years ago.数百万年前恐龙就从地球上灭绝了。Some types of dinosaur had sharp spikes on their tails.有些种类的恐龙尾部有锋利的尖突。It was the first time a complete anatomical reconstruction of a dinosaur had been attempted. 那是第一次尝试绘制完整的恐龙身体结构图。Scientists aren't certain what killed off the dinosaurs.科学家还不确定是什么原因导致恐龙灭绝。Many scientists now believe that birds evolved from dinosaurs.现在有许多科学家相信鸟类是由恐龙进化而来的。The dinosaurs disappeared millions of years ago.恐龙在几百万年前就绝迹了。Let's go see the new dinosaur exhibit.我们去看这个有关恐龙的新展览吧。Mammals moved into the niche left vacant by the disappearance of the dinosaurs.哺乳动物填补了恐龙消失后留下来的空间。Dinosaurs died out millions of years ago.数百万年前恐龙就已经灭绝了。Some believe that birds evolved from dinosaurs. = Some believe that dinosaurs evolved into birds.有些人认为鸟是从恐龙进化而来。Scientists are debating the possible derivation of birds from dinosaurs.科学家们正在争论鸟类从恐龙演变而来的可能性。Outside the museum is a huge, lifelike model of a dinosaur.博物馆外面是一个巨大的、栩栩如生的恐龙模型。Museums will pay large amounts of money for good dinosaur fossil specimens.博物馆愿意出大价钱购买完好的恐龙化石标本。The ground floor of the museum is taken up by the skeleton of a dinosaur.博物馆的底层为一具恐龙的骨骼占据了。Life-size dinosaur models tower above visitors to the Prehistoric Park.史前公园里实体大小的恐龙模型屹立在前来参观的游客面前。These dinosaurs were large-brained and more intelligent than most.这些恐龙脑容积大,比大多数恐龙聪明。Dinosaurs evolved when most continents were joined in a single land mass.恐龙进化的时候,多数大陆连为一体。Birds descend from dinosaurs.鸟类是恐龙的后代。Scientists working in the Gobi desert have thrown new light on the life of dinosaurs.在戈壁沙漠中进行研究的科学家已对恐龙的生活有了新的了解。




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