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例句 I always looked through my work carefully before I handed it in.我在交作业前总要仔细看一遍。When they met they would talk about this and that.他们见面时总要拉拉杂杂谈上一通。That fellow will end up behind bars.那家伙最后总要落得坐班房。Why do you always have to spoil everything, Debbie?你为什么总要把什么事情都搞砸啊,戴比?My husband always bolts all the doors before going to bed.我丈夫上床前总要把所有的门都闩好。There were always rows when my dad got home.我父亲回到家里总要吵架。You should always carry at least a little cash with you in case of an emergency.你至少总要带点现金以防万一。We tried to balance the aerial on top of the TV set, but it kept falling over.我们试图把天线支在电视机上,但它总要掉下来。Cassie always had a drink and a snack when she got home from school.凯茜放学回家后总要喝点饮料吃些点心。Why does she always drive to work when she could easily take the train?她去上班明明坐火车很方便可为什么总要自己开车呢?No matter how good the argument, he would always pick out something to boggle about.不管那论据多么充分,他总要找点东西出来挑剔一番。My cat always jumps up onto the table when I'm trying to work.我想工作时,我的猫总要跳上桌来。Each time she moved her leg she let out a moan.每次她一挪腿总要呻吟一声。They are not likely to arrive there much before midnight.他们总要将近半夜才会到达那里。Always thaw frozen pastry thoroughly.冷冻的油酥面团总要充分解冻。He's always offended by jokes aimed at Irish people.听了针对爱尔兰人的笑话,他总要生气。Gas prices always go up at this time of year.每年这个时候油价总要上涨。Father always chuckles when he reads the funny papers.爸爸在看报上的滑稽连环画栏时总要咯咯发笑。I always study the form of a horse before I bet on it.我在对马下赌注前总要先研究一下它的竞技状态。I'll manage to scratch some money up somehow.总要想法凑起一点钱来。Always lock your bicycle to something secure.总要把自行车锁在牢固的物体上。Always look for the best person to fill any position, regardless of age, race, or gender.总要找最优秀的人来担当任何职位,不管年龄、种族或性别如何。Emily always managed to say something cutting whenever we met at a party.每次我们在聚会上碰到,埃米莉总要说一些刻薄的话。The kids always misbehave when they have a substitute teacher.孩子们遇到代课教师上课时总要捣蛋。Just my luck! The one vacation I take all year, and I have to get sick.我就是这样倒霉!一年就这么一次休假,我总要生病。Every time he's late, he gives me a song and dance about oversleeping.他每次迟到,总要向我编上一大套如何睡过了头之类的谎话。She had this trick of raising her eyebrows at the end of a question.她有一个习惯,每次提问完了总要扬一下眉毛。Mom always cries at weddings.妈妈在婚礼上总要落泪。When he goes on vacation he takes along everything but the kitchen sink. 他外出度假时总要带一大堆东西。I'm away a couple of weeks at a time.我每次外出总要两星期不回家。 Politicians bid for popular favour around election time.在选举前后政客们总要许愿讨好民众。He was always meddling in other people's personal lives.总要干涉别人的私生活。His life is driven by vanity. He has to drive around in the most expensive car and wear the best designer clothes.他的生活被虚荣心驱使着。他总要开最昂贵的汽车到处转悠,穿最好的设计师设计的服装。He is a neurotic about keeping his clothes neat.总要保持自己着装整洁,都成神经质了。She always spent an inordinate length of time in the bathroom.总要在浴室里待上好久。She was very proper, my grandmother - she'd never go out without wearing her hat and gloves.我祖母非常讲究仪表——出门时总要戴上帽子和手套。Somewhere down the road, they're going to clash.他们今后总要发生冲突。He flips through a book before making a decision.他在决定买下一本书前总要先草草翻阅一下。New shoes always give me blisters.我穿新鞋脚上总要起泡。He looks through several newspapers before breakfast.他在早饭前总要浏览几份报纸。




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