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词汇 急匆匆
例句 A young man came hurrying down the street.一个年轻人急匆匆地沿着马路走来。He went beetling off down the corridor.他从走廊急匆匆地走掉了。Emerson rushed out of the tent with such precipitation that he almost fell.埃默森急匆匆冲出帐篷以至于差点摔倒。He hustled straight up the aircraft steps without looking round or waving goodbye.急匆匆地径直登上飞机舷梯,没有环顾四周,也没有挥手告别。He pelted toward the post office.急匆匆向邮局走去。Karl arrived hot-foot from the airport.卡尔急匆匆从机场赶来。His aides scurried about, murmuring to each other in Russian.他的助手们急匆匆地跑来跑去,低声地用俄语相互交谈着。I had been in a tearing hurry to leave the camp.急匆匆地离开了营地。Don't hurry with what you are doing, I can wait your leisure.你不必急匆匆地赶手头的事,我可以等到你有空的时候。There's no need to rush. We've got plenty of time.没必要急匆匆的,我们有足够的时间。No need to hurry – you've got plenty of time.没必要急匆匆的,你有充足的时间。They pelted across the square towards the harbour.他们急匆匆地穿过广场赶往港口。Where did you take off to? 急匆匆地去哪儿了?She hurried through her breakfast with her eye on the clock.她眼睛看着时钟,急匆匆地吃完了早餐。I nearly fell in my anxiety to get downstairs quickly.急匆匆地下楼,差点摔倒。He hurried through the rain, to the patrol car.他冒着雨急匆匆地跑到巡逻车前。There was time only for the quickest arrangement of mind.时间只允许急匆匆地理一下思绪。She rushed to the station, worried that she might miss her train.急匆匆地跑去车站,担心赶不上火车。She was rushing to catch her favorite show on TV.急匆匆地赶着去收看她最喜欢的电视节目。They were falling over one another in their haste to get away.他们急匆匆要离开,结果一个摞一个地摔倒了。He hurried to take the suitcases and occupy himself with packing the car.急匆匆地去拎手提箱,忙着往车里装。He whipped into my room.急匆匆走进我的房间。I impatiently tumbled into my sack a conglomeration of books, clothes, matches, maps and insecticides.急匆匆把书籍、衣服、火柴、地图、杀虫药等等一大堆东西统统扔进了麻袋。She dashed down the hallway to the bathroom.急匆匆地穿过走廊,冲向卫生间。She rushed into the room jabbering something about a dog.她冲进房间,急匆匆地讲了一些关于一只狗的事。Siegfried bustled in, muttered a greeting, and began to pour his coffee.西格弗里德急匆匆地进来,咕咕哝哝地打了声招呼,就开始倒咖啡。The day was cold, and students hurried across campus to warm classrooms.那天天气很冷,校园里学生都急匆匆地赶往温暖的教室。Why are you in such an all-fired hurry?你为什么这么急匆匆的?She pelted down the stairs in her nightgown.她穿着睡袍急匆匆地走下楼梯。She'd come hotfoot from the palace with the latest news.急匆匆地从宫里带来了最新的消息。He scuttled away to find his hat.急匆匆地跑去找他的帽子。She scurried off to finish the job.急匆匆地跑去把活儿干完。He was in such a hurry that he almost pushed me over on the stairs.他这么急匆匆的,差点把我推下楼梯。A young man rushed headlong into the crowd.一个年轻人急匆匆用力挤进人群。She flounced out of the room.急匆匆地走出房间。They stopped the car and quickly scrambled out.他们停下车,急匆匆地爬了出来。He was rushed to court yesterday under armed guard.昨天他被急匆匆地武装押解到了法庭。I hurried home, conscience-stricken at leaving mother alone.急匆匆地赶回家,把母亲一个人留在家让我良心不安。She hurried on ahead.急匆匆赶在前面。Workers muffled to the ears were hurrying off to the factories.把围巾裹到耳朵的工人们正急匆匆地去工厂上班。




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