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A canny investor would need to predict when the dollar will once more start tumbling.精明的投资者需要预测美元何时会再次开始大跌。The whole process started all over again.整个程序又再次开始了。The band is making an album again after a five-year hiatus.中断五年后,这支乐队再次开始制作专辑。Tom began to feel fatigue and weakness once more.汤姆再次开始感到疲惫无力。The dispute began again with increased acrimony.争论再次开始,程度更加激烈了。The floodwaters began to rise again.洪水再次开始上涨。We can start living a normal life again.我们能够再次开始过正常的生活。He began his work anew.他再次开始工作。I am at the beginning of a new and unutterable loneliness.我再次开始陷入莫名的孤独寂寞之中。 |