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词汇 再次发生
例句 Schools must take preventative measures so that this type of tragedy never happens again.学校必须采取预防措施,杜绝这种悲剧再次发生What can you do to keep it from happening again?你怎样防止它再次发生The army was brought in to try to prevent further bloodshed.这支部队被调来,以防止再次发生流血事件。There is a strong probability that the problem will recur if we do not deal with it now.如果我们现在不解决,再次发生这个问题的可能性很大。Measures must be taken to stop a recurrence of last night's violence.必须采取措施防止昨晚的暴力事件再次发生We don't want a recurrence of the situation.我们不想这情况再次发生The police hope to avoid a repeat performance of last year, when the festivities turned into rioting.警察希望避免去年庆典变成暴乱的事件再次发生We must increase our efforts to reduce the probability of such an accident happening again.我们必须加紧努力,降低这种事故再次发生的可能性。We want to ensure that it doesn't happen again.我们要保证这种事不会再次发生One fact is indisputable - this must never be allowed to happen again.有一个事实是不容置疑的——就是这种事绝不能再次发生MPs were urged to amend the law to prevent another oil tanker disaster.下院议员们被敦促修订该法律,以防止油轮泄漏灾难再次发生The government must increase the pace of reform to avoid further bloodshed.政府必须加快改革的步伐,以避免再次发生流血事件。Mr O'Friel made it clear that further insults of this kind would not be tolerated.奥弗里尔先生明确表示,绝不容忍这样的侮辱行为再次发生Security was tightened amid fears of another terrorist attack.在人们担心会再次发生恐怖袭击的同时,安全措施加强了。Officials say they'll spare no expense to prevent another riot.官员说他们会不惜一切地阻止再次发生暴乱。Her position as national leader has been weakened by persistent fears of another coup attempt.由于人们一直担心会再次发生政变,她的国家领导人地位被削弱了。Please accept my apologies. I will be taking steps to ensure this does not happen again.请接受我的道歉,我会采取措施确保此事不会再次发生Once again there's been ferocious blood-letting in the township.镇区再次发生了残忍的流血事件。We are determined not to let it happen again.我们决心不让此类事件再次发生We are determined that it will never happen again.我们决心不让此类事件再次发生The administration hopes to avoid another bruising battle over civil rights.政府希望避免因民权问题再次发生激烈冲突。You will want to watch that it doesn't happen again.你会密切关注不让这种事再次发生We must make sure this doesn't happen again.我们必须确保此事不会再次发生We need to make sure that these problems don't redevelop.我们需要确保这些问题不会再次发生Police are out in force to prevent a recurrence of the violence.警方出动大量警力防止暴力事件再次发生




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